由外貿協會主辦的2022年「台北國際汽機車零配件展」(Taipei AMPA)及與台灣區電機電子工業同業公會共同主辦的「台北國際車用電子展」(Autotronics Taipei),4/20於南港展覽1館盛大開幕。本屆近600家廠商齊聚,橫跨11主題展區,使用1,300個攤位,規模較上屆(2021年)成長54%,展出上千件台灣高品質的OEM、售後服務零組件。 本屆展覽主題為配合全球汽配產業「C.A.S.E-車聯網、自駕、共享、電動」市場趨勢,展出電動車核心「電池、電驅、電控」三電系統的最新技術與產品。貿協表示,搭配已在4月11日啟動的AMPA DigitalGo線上平台,同步串聯線上、線下展覽,吸引全球超過60國逾1,700名國際參觀者,其中包含來自日本、美國、中國、新加坡、印尼的指標買主;而四天的實體展覽也預計將吸引國內外產官學研等專業人士到場參觀。 指標廠商包括「南晃」、「彰茂」、「陽旻」、「台灣易格斯」;另電動車及智慧運輸展區將展出特斯拉供應鏈「大亞電線電纜」、「健和興端子」、「本土」、「和勤精機」、「致茂電子」;車聯網協會也集結10家業者籌組「車聯網主題館」,以及台灣車輛移動研發聯盟主題館等,為全球...
2012 Taiwan International Lighting Show. Starting from around 400 booths in the first annual exhibition to nearly 800 booths in the third annual exhibition this year, the exhibition had nearly doubled in growth. Major Taiwanese manufacturers participated in the exhibition as well. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
The Taipei World Trade Center combines product display, trade services, conference facilities and hospitality in a single complex, making it one of the most important exhibition venues in Asia. The first floor of the TWTC is one of the largest exhibition venues in Taiwan. Many well-known important international exhibitions are held here. The 2F to 7F of the Exhibition Hall hosts the International Trade Mart, with 1,052 showrooms and the most representative showcase of Taiwan products. The TWTC stands at the forefront of world trade while serving as a model for global trade centers. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
2009 Broadband Taiwan, which ended successfully on Oct. 28, were held concurrently with Wimax Forum Member Conference. It attracted over 800 international experts and buyers. In a rare show of unity, 6 Taiwan's WiMAX network operators are in attendance as well. The exhibition stimulates the growth among hardware manufacturers and private investments. More importantly, the 3-day exhibition is expected to show the world what Taiwan has now accomplished after years of hard work. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
TiGiS comes just as concerns mount about global climate change, as erratic whether shakes nations with floods and famine. This event spotlights both the need for eco-protection and the many innovative solutions Taiwan has generated to mitigate the problems. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網