107 筆資料

(6s)親親牌 CHIN CHIN|CHIN CHIN Oriental refreshment

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉http://www.kinglucky.com/index.php/en/  Try all of our Oriental Refreshments  MIXED CONGEE/PEANUT SOUP WITH MILK/LOTUS OATMEAL/BLACK RICE CONGEE/ GRASS JELLY DESSERT/RICE CONGEE/PEANUT SOUP/RED BEAN SOUP WITH LOTUS SEED/JOB’S TEARS MUNG BEAN  Shelf life: 2 YEARS  Instant Food  Premium Quality: ISO 22000, FSSC 22000, HACCP, HALAL, US FDA Registered, food TQF.  No preservatives added.  NON-GMO product. #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts #food Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com

親親牌 CHIN CHIN|CHIN CHIN Oriental refreshment

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉http://www.kinglucky.com/index.php/en/  Try all of our Oriental Refreshments  MIXED CONGEE/PEANUT SOUP WITH MILK/LOTUS OATMEAL/BLACK RICE CONGEE/ GRASS JELLY DESSERT/RICE CONGEE/PEANUT SOUP/RED BEAN SOUP WITH LOTUS SEED/JOB’S TEARS MUNG BEAN  Shelf life: 2 YEARS  Instant Food  Premium Quality: ISO 22000, FSSC 22000, HACCP, HALAL, US FDA Registered, food TQF.  No preservatives added.  NON-GMO product. #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts #food Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com

YAO TSUAN ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. - Refrigerant Recycling Equipments

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Know more: http://yaochuan.en.taiwantrade.com YAO CHUAN started to research and develop the refrigerant recycling equipments since 1989,and furthered the production and manufacture of automotive air conditioning systems maintenance machine and refrigerant equipments . We have different types of refrigerant recycling equipments for different operating environment, including air conditioning repair plants, vehicle maintenance plants, refrigerant recycling treatment plants, waste recycling plants, and refrigerant processing equipments for cars, buses, public transports. YAO CHUAN has received reco...

2035 E-Mobility Taiwan 臺灣指標業者齊聚 重塑汽車產業生態

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「2035 E-Mobility Taiwan (台灣國際智慧移動展)」於10月20日在南港展覽2館及線上同步盛大開展。該展作為臺灣電動車及自駕車產業向國際的發聲平台,首屆舉辦就吸引國內產官學研等指標單位及企業展出,完整展現我國智慧移動產業研發及製造實力,更提供全球買主一站式的採購平台。外貿協會董事長黃志芳更以「Drive Smart. Drive Green.」為概念分享,強調智慧移動產業已進入發展的黃金年代,臺灣具備高素質人才、資通訊產業競爭優勢,以及彈性製造等實力,相信在全球電動車、自駕車發展浪潮中將佔有一席之地。 全球汽車產業在電動車浪潮下,傳統供應鏈已發生變化,軟硬體整合及跨界合作成為產業致勝新關鍵,此次展覽亦可以觀察到業者跨界結盟的趨勢,除mTARC、MIH皆與聯盟成員一同展出合作成果外,臺灣唯二通過電動大客車示範計畫資格審查的車輛業者都參與本次展覽:成運汽車結合大同、研華、飛宏、微星以及精英電腦等廠商,共同展現電動巴士供應鏈合作成果;華德動能與合作夥伴東元電機,亦參與本次展覽,一同搶攻電動巴士商機。 2035 E-Mobility Taiwan官網:https://www.e-mobilityshow.com.t...

SIANG JI ASIA SAUCE CO., LTD. - A Sauce Specialist

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More info: https://sjasia.en.taiwantrade.com/ S.J. Asia (SIANG JI ASIA SAUCE CO., LTD) is a Taiwan-based sauce company that specializes in manufacturing the classic Spicy Hot Pot Sauce. Besides its distinguish spicy hot pot sauce, S.J. Asia also provides a wide range of Sichuan culinary sauces with its unique and original recipes. The company name “SIANG JI” is the meaning of passion for supplying enjoyable and remarkable Sichuan flavor products to the industry in the fast-moving food trend. The enterprise is established in 1999, starting with making tradition Asian condiments and spices to now become a globally certi...

Biomadecon? - MIT Biodegradable Polymer 「Renature Global (Taiwan )Co., Ltd.」

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【Visit Renature Global】https://www.renature-global.com/ 【Start your bio journey】https://www.renature-global.com/business.php We make Biomadecon? The New Biodegradable Polymer, Effective use of natural resources. R&D and manufactured by Taiwan's team. Promote Environment Sustainability Advocates. Biomadecon? - A biomaterial made by mixing various natural resources, bio-resin, fiber and formula. Is fully biodegradable polymer, which has a wide applicability to existing equipment in accordance with the recommended processing specifications. Welcome to contact us:seeknow.tw@renature-global.co...

JUFAN INDUSTRIAL CO , LTD - Automation industry

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Visit us:https://www.jufan.com.tw/ Email:sales@jufan.com.tw Jufan has been in automation industry for more than 35 years. Jufan Industrial Co., Ltd. established in 1979,has been in automation industry for more than 35 years and now is one of major makers to produce pneumatic, hydraulic, and vacuum related products and to serve as system integrator of fluid power and transmission control fields. After years of product development and quality improvement, Jufan has been able to produce and to sell products to industrialized countries such as Japan, America, and European Union by utilizing the ca...

SANTANYX ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. (Lamination fabric)

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Know more: https://santanyx.en.taiwantrade.com/ Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com/ Textiles company started to further develop functional fabric lamination with rubber film , sponge and produce related products like a wide range of Neoprene fabric for wearing , sporting goods, wetsuits, fabric /foam sheets for industry, High density foam lamination fabric for protector., fire retardant fabric /textile export product︰ Material Neoprene sheets, Rubber film , foam and sheets, fabric laminateion material roll , customized functional fabric product, diving fabric material,medical fabric protectiv...