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#shorts 2024 TaipeiCycle #自行車展商機強強滾 #台灣經貿網

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#shorts 2024 TaipeiCycle #自行車展商機強強滾 #台灣經貿網 📌了解台灣經貿網服務方案 https://ttpromote.taiwantrade.com/ 📌立即預約諮詢 https://bit.ly/3ZcDrvo ______________________________________________ 台灣經貿網 Taiwantrade 與您一起迎接數位貿易時代 ▍ 訂閱台灣經貿網頻道 https://bit.ly/3Dqleyj ▍加入官方LINE https://page.line.me/hle1397e ▍免費諮詢專線 📞 0800-506-066 📣中文網站:https://info.taiwantrade.com/ 📣英文主網: https://www.taiwantrade.com/

2024「台北國際自行車展」及「台灣國際運動及健身展」 迎80國5000名國際參觀者 帶動產業商機

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2024「台北國際自行車展」及「台灣國際運動及健身展」 迎80國5000名國際參觀者 帶動產業商機TAIPEI CYCLE及TaiSPO於今年3月6日至9日盛大展出。今年兩展合計共有來自80國、近5,000位國際參觀者來臺觀展,前五大買主國依序為日、韓、美、新加坡、德國,TaiSPO展中採購洽談會亦邀請到8國買主,共進行50場次洽談;而兩展國內參觀業者合計達2.5萬名。 外貿協會董事長黃志芳指出,今年展覽的關鍵字為科技、創新、永續,從今年展覽可以看到科技在自行車及運動產業的應用面向更深刻廣泛。在產業發展方面,經濟部常務次長林全能表示,台灣自行車及運動健身產業的四個重要的發展趨勢包含創新、低碳轉型、科技與數位轉型、公私合作。 TAIPEI CYCLE首度成立「Bike Venture新創專區」,共聚集來自8國/地區10家的自行車新創企業,呈現自行車產業在電動化、供應鏈數位轉型、綠色永續解決方案及新商業模式四個面向的創新產品及服務; 今年亦首度成立的「E-cycling Pavilion智慧虛擬自行車專館」,展示品項涵蓋能提供和實景路線同步的3D虛擬線上騎行軟體、來自國內外的智能訓練台、爬坡模擬器及騎乘體驗系統等,透過運動科...

(6s) 潭酵天地 hsuslegend|Hsu's Legend Oak Barrel Fruit Vinegar

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts ● Know more 👉https://hsuslegend.en.taiwantrade.com/ Introducing Hus's Legend Oak Barrel Fruit Vinegar—where tradition meets innovation. Crafted with care through a special three-stage fermentation process and modern acetic fermentation technology. We start with real brown rice and apple vinegars, add 50% fruit juice, and let the magic happen in authentic European oak barrels. No preservatives or artificial colors—just quality and taste. Packed with minerals and organic goodness, it's gentle on digestion and boosts your metabolism. The result? A delightful sweet and tangy ...

潭酵天地 hsuslegend|Hsu's Legend Oak Barrel Fruit Vinegar

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉https://hsuslegend.en.taiwantrade.com/ Introducing Hus's Legend Oak Barrel Fruit Vinegar—where tradition meets innovation. Crafted with care through a special three-stage fermentation process and modern acetic fermentation technology. We start with real brown rice and apple vinegars, add 50% fruit juice, and let the magic happen in authentic European oak barrels. No preservatives or artificial colors—just quality and taste. Packed with minerals and organic goodness, it's gentle on digestion and boosts your metabolism. The result? A delightful sweet and tangy ...

總信食品 Tzong Hsin|Taro Paste / QQ Mochi

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉https://www.u-baking.com/ 1.Well-known Chain Convenience Store's Special Ingredients, Selected from Multiple Renowned Bakeries, Mid-Autumn Festival Designated Ingredients 2.Simple and Wholesome Flavor! Perfectly Complements Various Baked Goods Flavors 3.Continuously Praised! A Classic Masterpiece with 30 Years of Enduring Popularity Taro: 1.Carefully Chosen Taiwanese Local Earth-Scented Taro! Tender, Sweet, and Delicately Refreshing 2.Melts in Your Mouth! The Filling, Cooked Using a Continuous Steaming Machine, Melts Upon Consumption, Just Like Ice Cr...

(6s) 總信食品 Tzong Hsin|Taro Paste / QQ Mochi

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉https://www.u-baking.com/ 1.Well-known Chain Convenience Store's Special Ingredients, Selected from Multiple Renowned Bakeries, Mid-Autumn Festival Designated Ingredients 2.Simple and Wholesome Flavor! Perfectly Complements Various Baked Goods Flavors 3.Continuously Praised! A Classic Masterpiece with 30 Years of Enduring Popularity Taro: 1.Carefully Chosen Taiwanese Local Earth-Scented Taro! Tender, Sweet, and Delicately Refreshing 2.Melts in Your Mouth! The Filling, Cooked Using a Continuous Steaming Machine, Melts Upon Consumption, Just Like Ice Cr...

(6s) 匯竑阿薩姆 T.GRAND ASSAM|ASSAM milk tea,ASSAM taro milk tea,ASSAM green milk tea,ASSAM black tea

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts ● Know more 👉 https://www.tgrand.com.tw/en/ 阿薩姆奶茶.阿薩姆芋香奶茶.阿薩姆綠奶茶 1.Well balanced and aromatic-cream 2.High quality milk source from New Zealand 阿薩姆紅茶 1.Brewed fresh with 100% real Assam black tea leaves 2.Most popular & NO. 1 Black Tea brand in Guam and Saipan #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts #milktea Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com

匯竑阿薩姆 T.GRAND ASSAM|ASSAM milk tea,ASSAM taro milk tea,ASSAM green milk tea,ASSAM black tea

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts ● Know more 👉 https://www.tgrand.com.tw/en/ 阿薩姆奶茶.阿薩姆芋香奶茶.阿薩姆綠奶茶 1.Well balanced and aromatic-cream 2.High quality milk source from New Zealand 阿薩姆紅茶 1.Brewed fresh with 100% real Assam black tea leaves 2.Most popular & NO. 1 Black Tea brand in Guam and Saipan #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts #milktea Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com