Know more: We are a premium Taiwan brand for Electrical Shavers from 1977. Starting from the OEM of world-renowned brands, we committed to developing high-quality, safe and durable electric shavers. Electric Shaver is no longer just a tool, it is also a medium to connect with your friends and family. Contact us: Buy now @amazon : @Japan amazon: #Taiwantrade #TaiwanPr...
More info: Electric Mobility Scoota series are our reputable products, while disable and senior/elderly users are our main target. Mobility Scooters – Supascoota can be used indoor or outdoor. Also Mobility Scooters – Supascoota can be a Travel Scooter, which can be used at the supermarket, park, or as a Transport Mobility scooter, used in the bus or train trip, cruise ship or just leave it in the trunk ready for Action. Taking the Light Weight Portable Mobility Scooter – Supascoota with you on your next holiday and be the envy of everyone. Our Light Weight Scooter, Portable scooter ...
More info: T-SOK Co. Ltd. is the leading global manufacturers of multi-slide die casting machines for zinc and the relevant equipment. With many years of experience in the production and sales of multi-slide die-casting machines, we have successfully developed the world's first fully-electric multi-slide die-casting machine. It has significantly increased the density and surface quality of casting to a new standard. Apart from being the supplier of multi-slide die casting machines, T-SOK has a tool shop well equipped with the most modern machineries, and experienced tool makers with the ...
More info: Noodoe EV is the simplest way to charge up your EV. You don’t an account, an RFID card, or even an app to get your vehicle fully charged. All you have to do is scan, pay, and charge. For more information about Noodoe EV, Visit us at Sourcing more Taiwan Products:
Know more: Sourcing more Taiwan Products: FUNET TECHNOLOGY INC. is experienced in the OEM, ODM, and EMS service on electronic products. Funet has the capability to provide one-series service, from the circuit board design, SMT, product casing of plastic injection production to final assembly. We strive to exceed your expectations. For the past two decades, we have cooperated with the worldwide high-end electronic brands on product manufacture and assembly as an electronic specialist. With our professional sales and R&D team, Funet provides our...
2019 Taipei AMPA, AutoTronics Taipei, Taiwan ITS, Taiwan EVS, Motorcycle Taiwan, and Taiwan Car Tuning came to a successful conclusion April 27-28. This year, the 6-in-1 show attracted approximately 7,200 foreign buyers from 142 countries. The number of foreign buyers exceeded the previous show. The top 10 buyers were from Japan, China, the United States, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand, South Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, and Indonesia. 更多商情 立即前往台灣經貿網:
隨著全球邁入電動車(Electric Vehicle, EV)的時代,外貿協會於(2018)年2月6日在台北國際會議中心舉辦「臺灣電動車行銷聯盟」成立大會,邀請我國電動車產業重要廠商齊聚一堂,將以「國家隊」形式拓銷海外市場,在國際舞台上打響臺灣「電動車王國」的稱號。 外貿協會董事長黃志芳表示,從許多過去成功的案例中觀察到以團體及整體行銷,乃至國家隊行銷所產生的效果極佳,所以構思成立「電動車國家隊」,希望業者們能攜手合作、技驚國際。 這次貿協瞄準電動車業籌組聯盟,就是看準EV未來龐大商機。目前德、法、英、挪威等歐洲大國,以及中國大陸與印度紛紛訂出2030年或2040年起禁售燃油車的政策。臺灣同樣也在日前提出電動車相關具體政策,預計2030年新購公車及公務車全面電動化、2035年新售機車全面電動化、2040年新售汽車全面電動化。可見,這股電動車掀起的龐大商機正蔓延全球。 臺灣電動車產業已具全球競爭力,從二輪機車整車、電池芯、電池管理系統、動力馬達、轉子、減速齒輪組、傳動系統,到四輪汽車的關鍵零組件如馬達、減速箱齒輪、充電槍、電源控制等,一應俱全。臺灣電動車產品上、中、下游的供應鏈不但完整,而且品質深受國際肯...
NOVELTEK is the only company in Taiwan that specializes in electric powered material handling equipment. The company offers a range of different types of electric and manually operated hydraulic equipment for loading, warehouse goods handling and internal transport. Tailor-made equipment is a NOVELTEK specialty. Up to 60% of production is exported to the demanding markets of Western Europe, while many Japanese clients have relied on NOVELTEK to fulfill their OEM requirements for more than a decade. All products comply with European Union machinery directive EEC-89/392 and carry the CE conformity lab...