More info: We are a Taiwan base company for LED/LCD/TFT display solutions with factories located in Shenzhen. Our products range from office monitors, gaming monitors, ultra-wide screens, curved screens, smart TVs, smart boards, simple desktops, laptops, tablets, digital menu boards, digital signs,....etc. Our customers cover a wide range of industries, including Banks, Hotels, Hospitals, Shopping Malls, Supermarkets, Cinemas, Streets, Parks, Elevators, Surveillance Systems, Bus Stations, Railway Stations, Airports, Intersections of Expressway, Government Organizations, Offices, St...
Shop now: Professional Drawing Tablet AERY PF1061 10”x6” for Freelancers, Pro Pen 8 & 8192 Level Eraser with Turntable Wheel Control 8 Shortcuts & Accessories 【FIRST CHOICE FOR FREELANCERS】 AERY's tablet comes with wide working area of 10" x 6", size close to A4 paper and close to printout size, 8192 pressure sensitivity, and works perfectly for right and left-handed users. With turntable and wheel control pad, AERY digital drawing tablet PF1061 is especially suitable for professional drawers for zooming in/out screen, and brush sizes changing. Customi...
Visit us: Azza Technologies, Inc is the gaming company for the computer component manufacturing company name Linkworld Electronic Co. Linkworld is known to create OEM computer parts for keyboards, mouse, power supplies, motherboards, vga, and computer case. Linkworld Electronics Co. was established since 1989 and Azza Technologies Inc. was founded in 1994. Ever since then the gaming brand Azza gained recognition in Europe and North America through our quality, unique design, and innovative products. Azza's line of products are gaming computer chassis, ...
Visit us: Flytech K730 Series - New Ultra-slim Panel PC with reliability and functionality that target at retail and hospitality industries, enabling you to provide better service and create higher values to consumers. K730 Series are designed with flexible modularity in mind, improving system maintenance cost and time. Multiple peripherals (Finger Print / 2D Scanner / MSR / RFID) and different standing style ( POS / Printer / Floor stand ) are able to meet your various usage scenario. Flytech K730 Series - New Ultra-slim Panel PC, the all-in-one solutions to fulfill your needs in different applications. Learn ...
More info: With over 40 years’ experience in providing ODM services across diverse industries, Ubiqconn’s zero-to-market solution keeps you stay competitive and innovative. The all-round services we deliver include standard modules, high-fidelity prototypes, unmatched design, smart manufacturing, and logistics. Our extraordinary design capabilities lie in hardware platforms (X86 and ARM), rugged mechanical structure, seamless wireless connectivity, smart battery management, wide-range vehicle power, and software services. Sourcing more Taiwan Products: ht...
經濟部國際貿易局與外貿協會於10月3日在臺北國際會議中心共同主辦「2019年美國商機日」活動,邀請19家知名美商,包括Staples、Grainger、Meijer、United Natural Foods及Super Micro Computer等與我國200餘家廠商進行約250場次洽談。在美中貿易衝突的影響下,美商傾向儘量分散採購來源,臺灣業者生產布局靈活多元,且臺灣製造(MIT)產品品質深受肯定,是美國買主尋求轉單之際的首選。美國商機日成功搭建臺美業者媒合平台,促成雙方企業合作,深化雙邊經貿夥伴關係。 「美國商機日」活動自2012年起已連辦8年,結合貿易與投資機會,是每年臺美經貿合作的指標性活動。外貿協會黃志芳董事長開幕致詞時表示,臺美供應鏈長久以來緊密結合,本年商機日19家買主派出近30名採購代表,更突顯貿易戰下,美國商機日對臺美企業連結的重要性。經濟部王美花次長表示,近期在政府鼓勵臺灣製造業回流下,已有140多家臺商回流,同時將更多高附加價值能力的產業帶回臺灣。過去一年來。美國亦有多家科技大廠來臺投資,為我國經濟注入更多活水。美國商機日將不只促進臺美雙邊貿易,更將促成彼此產業合作機會。 美國在台協會...
Know more: Sourcing more Taiwan Products: Power Communication Technology Co., Ltd. was established on 5th July, 1988. Since then, we have been a professional PC peripheral manufacturer with a full line of audio/video controller products for three decades. Thanks to staff’s innovation and hard working, the business is always thriving. Our product line includes: * USB Type-C Series (single port/multi-port/converter cable/mini docking) * Video Converter (VGA/DisplayPort/HDMI to VGA/DVI/DisplayPort/HDMI) * Video Extender (Active Cable/Over IP/Over LAN...
銘鵬科技股份有限公司 Power Communication Technology Co., Ltd. 成立於 1988 年台北,專業從事於 電腦周邊產品 -- 全系列多電腦控制器及分配器之設計與製造,產品線也擴及多 電腦切換器、螢幕分配器、影音延長器、矩陣式影音切換器及電腦共享器等。 銘鵬經貿網網址