[本影片建議使用畫質HD 1080觀看] 外貿協會預計本(107)年4月份辦理新進人員甄試, 3月8日開放簡章下載,報名期間自3月16日至4月11日,歡迎有志加入貿協團隊的新血,儘早於4月前取得英語測驗成績,或於簡章公告後報名「多益英語測驗貿協招募考」或「全民英檢GEPT專案考」。更多內容請上貿協官網 http://www.taitra.org.tw/招考訊息
Founded in 2002, Taiwantrade is the official trade portal of Taiwan. It is organized by the Bureau of Foreign Trade under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and implemented by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), the nation's largest nonprofit trade promotion organization for more than 40 years. With a network of more than 60 worldwide offices, Taiwantrade can help enterprises find quality products for their businesses. Taiwantrade's wide range of services includes online marketing, trade matching, search engine, value-added information, and customized sourcing. As a comprehensive trade ...
台灣經貿網影音頻道想要採訪您!只要您同時是: 1. 台灣經貿網企業會員, 2. 對所處產業深具信心,相信您的產品有絕佳競爭力, 3. 從事毛巾、製鞋、寢具、織襪、內衣、毛衣、石材、陶瓷、小家電、成衣、泳裝、袋包箱等產業, 4. 相信Made in Taiwan就是品質保證,請您馬上寫下公司資料與產品優勢,與我們連絡:tv@taitra.org.tw TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網