More info: We are a Taiwan base company for LED/LCD/TFT display solutions with factories located in Shenzhen. Our products range from office monitors, gaming monitors, ultra-wide screens, curved screens, smart TVs, smart boards, simple desktops, laptops, tablets, digital menu boards, digital signs,....etc. Our customers cover a wide range of industries, including Banks, Hotels, Hospitals, Shopping Malls, Supermarkets, Cinemas, Streets, Parks, Elevators, Surveillance Systems, Bus Stations, Railway Stations, Airports, Intersections of Expressway, Government Organizations, Offices, St...
Shop now: Professional Drawing Tablet AERY PF1061 10”x6” for Freelancers, Pro Pen 8 & 8192 Level Eraser with Turntable Wheel Control 8 Shortcuts & Accessories 【FIRST CHOICE FOR FREELANCERS】 AERY's tablet comes with wide working area of 10" x 6", size close to A4 paper and close to printout size, 8192 pressure sensitivity, and works perfectly for right and left-handed users. With turntable and wheel control pad, AERY digital drawing tablet PF1061 is especially suitable for professional drawers for zooming in/out screen, and brush sizes changing. Customi...
More info: With over 40 years’ experience in providing ODM services across diverse industries, Ubiqconn’s zero-to-market solution keeps you stay competitive and innovative. The all-round services we deliver include standard modules, high-fidelity prototypes, unmatched design, smart manufacturing, and logistics. Our extraordinary design capabilities lie in hardware platforms (X86 and ARM), rugged mechanical structure, seamless wireless connectivity, smart battery management, wide-range vehicle power, and software services. Sourcing more Taiwan Products: ht...
Computex Taipei 2013 has attracted 1,700 exhibitors setting up 5,000 booths. The show, gathering large domestic and foreign manufacturers, is expected to attract the participation of approximately 40,000 international buyers. Cloud technology and services, smart mobility and touch enabled applications are three major themes of the show. A series of forums that gather executives of well-known enterprises and industrial and academic experts to share their experience and at the same time predict future industrial trends are the highlights that must not be missed. Concerning the 6th Design & Innovation (D&I) A...
If there's light at the end of the dire economic tunnel then it must be glowing from COMPUTEX TAIPEI. This annual defining event for the ICT industry which this year ran from June 5 to June 9 further consolidated its standing as Asia's largest, and the world's 2nd largest ICT trade show. This event attracted 130,013 visitors, including 36,500 international buyers from 172 countries who have generated a projected US$28 billion in business. There was a significant increase in buyers from Japan (+11.5%) and Mainland China (+7.1%). Those at this year's COMPUTEX TAIPEI were able to get a grip on the hottest products and bre...
全球資通訊產業年度盛事-「2012年台北國際電腦展」(COMPUTEX TAIPEI),6月5日至9日於台北世界貿易中心南港展覽館、展覽一、二、三館及台北國際會議中心盛大展出。主辦單位外貿協會(TAITRA)表示五天展期參觀人數達到130,013人,其中包含來自172國36,500名國際買主,其中日本及中國大陸買主數成長幅度最大,分別達到11.5%及7.1%。 今年邁入第32屆的「台北國際電腦展」國內外指標大廠雲集,其中,微軟(Microsoft) 與其聯盟夥伴大規模展出Windows 8系統最受矚目,成為本屆展覽最大亮點。同時間,被視為明日之星的雲端技術及周邊應用,也是許多廠商的展出重點,讓買主搶先體驗雲端科技創造智慧生活的無限魅力。 主辦單位外貿協會針對廠商與買主舉辦的「一對一採購洽談會」,促進商機媒合,本屆展覽首二日辦理了1,000場次,共有來自25國73家國際重量級買主參加,其中新興國家就有13國35家。73家買主年營業額皆超過3億美元,其中更有20家是年營業額超過10億美元的重量級買主。兩天的採購洽談會創造13.3億美元的訂單,後續商機更是難以估計。 本屆展覽期間舉辦144場的論壇吸引9,844...
為了協助業者拓銷大陸,且因應智慧型手機普遍、透過下載應用軟體擴充功能與獲取資訊等習慣普及,外貿協會推出「南京商圈GO!」App,全面統整大陸南京地區之市場資訊,供全球用戶免費下載,讓使用者指尖輕觸就能直接瀏覽商情,立即獲得所需資訊。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
largest ICT trade show, COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2011, takes place from May 31st to June 4th, using all 5 venues at Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1, 2 & 3, plus NANGANG Exhibition Hall, and the Taipei International Convention Center. The show organizer Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) announced that the show strikes a vibrant 9% growth on the previous year: 1,800 exhibitors use around 5,300 booths. It has attracted 120,000+ attendees that generated USD $25 billion in business. The top 5 countries/regions with the greatest number of international buyers this year are United States, Japan, ...