186 筆資料

台灣製造汽車零組件產品優質企業 蘆洲機械

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了解更多:https://autoparts.en.taiwantrade.com 台灣製造汽車零組件產品優質企業 蘆洲機械有限公司公司從1982年成立至今,致力於設計和生產引擎在內的各種汽車零組件產品,產品涵蓋汽缸、機油泵、汽車汽門、汽車噴油嘴、汽車燃料泵、閥零件、皮帶輪、軸搖臂、活塞、引擎閥、汽車零件、凸輪軸、燃料泵、機油泵及柴油引擎零件等。 建立30多年來,以訓練有素的技術和優質良好品質,讓客戶非常滿意。對於任何產品的問題,可以馬上做出反應和處理,提供良好的售後服務。產品以銷售至美國、加拿大、印度、德國、斯里蘭卡、汶萊、沙烏地阿拉伯、泰國、伊拉克與伊朗,涵蓋各州、全球 56 個國家。 蘆洲機械是台灣經貿網9年會員,致力於設計和生產引擎在內的各種汽車零組件產品,在競爭激烈的市場上,他們面臨著來自知名品牌的壓力,品牌知名度不足成為他們擴展業務的阻力。為了突破,蘆洲機械決定運用創新商模來建立與買主之間的連結,他們發現,電商是一個強大的工具,可以建立品牌共鳴,於是開始成立了跨境電商部門,從設計、攝影、行銷企劃、業務都聘僱了專業人才,為了在廣大的網路世界打入市場,先選擇了台灣經貿網做為穩固的基底;透過台灣...

(6s)京都念慈菴NIN JIOM|Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa (Convenient Pack)

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts ● Know more 👉 http://pse.is/58lnu5 Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa (Convenient Pack) Nourish lungs and protect throat from the inside out With more than 10 precious Chinese herbs Keeping the throat healthy is the first barrier to protect the airway. Whether you go to work or travel, you can take it with you, and it is convenient and hygienic. Dilute in warm water or swallow slowly the syrup for quick relief. #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com

京都念慈菴 NIN JIOM|Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa (Convenient Pack)

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#Taiwantrade #taiwanproducts ● Know more 👉 http://pse.is/58lnu5 Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa (Convenient Pack) Nourish lungs and protect throat from the inside out With more than 10 precious Chinese herbs Keeping the throat healthy is the first barrier to protect the airway. Whether you go to work or travel, you can take it with you, and it is convenient and hygienic. Dilute in warm water or swallow slowly the syrup for quick relief. #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com"

(6s) 京工 King Kung|Oat Mushroom Congee

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Buy now 👉https://kingkung.en.taiwantrade.com/product/king-kung-oat-mushroom-congee-34g-x-8-packs-2664091.html 1.Oat Mushroom Congee is a Taiwanese congee made with white rice and kind of mushrooms, it can provide nutrients such as vitamins and dietary fiber. 2.without preservative and artificial color. 3.accredited HACCP and ISO22000 certificate. #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts # Oat #Mushroom #Congee Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com

(6s) 環海科技 WisU|WishU Probiotics

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 http://pse.is/58y3zv • Balance The Friendly Bacteria in Digestive System • Help Prevent and Treat Diarrhea • Help Reduce Symptoms of Certain Digestive Disorders • Help Boost Your Immune System • Improve Eyesight • Inhibit reactive oxygen species #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts #Probiotics Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com

環海科技 WisU|WishU Probiotics

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 http://pse.is/58y3zv • Balance The Friendly Bacteria in Digestive System • Help Prevent and Treat Diarrhea • Help Reduce Symptoms of Certain Digestive Disorders • Help Boost Your Immune System • Improve Eyesight • Inhibit reactive oxygen species #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts #Probiotics Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com

6s曼姿健康Nutra Beauty|Nutra Beauty Collagen Plus+ Collagen Peptide Powder, Fish Collagen Peptide Powder

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#Taiwantrade #Taiwanfood ● Know more 👉 https://www.nutrabeauty-store.com/ Plus+ Collagen Peptide Powder: 1. Use The Natural Powder Of Collagen – With VERISOL VERISOL, made by GELITA, the German manufacturer, consists of special Collagen Peptides – important components for supporting healthy skin. 2. Plus A Beauty Secret – With ORICERA ORICERA is a patented phytoceramides that helps restore the ceramides content of the skin. 3. Enhance skin benefit with Sodium Hyaluronate 4. Enhance absorption of collagen with Vitamin C Fish Collagen Peptide Powder: 1. It is made from purified hydrolyzed colla...

曼姿健康 Nutra Beauty|Nutra Beauty Collagen (Plus+ Collagen Peptide Powder、Fish Collagen Peptide Powder)

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 https://www.nutrabeauty-store.com/ Plus+ Collagen Peptide Powder: 1. Use The Natural Powder Of Collagen – With VERISOL VERISOL, made by GELITA, the German manufacturer, consists of special Collagen Peptides – important components for supporting healthy skin. 2. Plus A Beauty Secret – With ORICERA ORICERA is a patented phytoceramides that helps restore the ceramides content of the skin. 3. Enhance skin benefit with Sodium Hyaluronate 4. Enhance absorption of collagen with Vitamin C Fish Collagen Peptide Powder: 1. It is made from purified hydrolyzed colla...