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Visit us: http://www.androvideo.com/home.aspx Contact us by sales@androvideo.com MD2 is Androvideo’s latest generation smart camera with integrated video analytics and event management. It builds on #Qualcomm’s premium AIoT SoC with 10 times more computing power than the last generation SoC along with industry-leading #SONYStarvis sensor to guarantee the required analytics performance in the distance and with low light. MD2 features multiple optimized AI models of #FaceRecognition, #PoseEstimation, #HumanDetection, #AgeandGender classification to meet the requirements of different applic...
主題:Challenges for Smart-Wearables 講者:SungBum Cho / Director, Security Solution Marketing, Strategic Marketing Team, Samsung The event is implemented by Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) 本活動由中華民國對外貿易發展協會 (外貿協會,TAITRA) 舉辦。