More info: KIND-AUSPICE INDUSTRAL CO., LTD was established in 1993, located in screw town – Kangshan, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. We had ISO certificates, and also member of “Taiwan Industrial Fasteners Institute” and chairman of “Taiwan Fastener Trading Association”. Our major products are raw material of steel, wire rod, steel wire, screw, fastener, bit, forming tooling, which could be applied in construction, engineering, furniture, and automobile industry. With great effort of General Manager - Cooper Tsai, and all staffs, the company upscale day by day, which h...
豐鵬工業股份有限公司創立於1986年,將近30年的時間,始終專注於建築用螺絲,同時也致力於鑽尾螺絲、木螺絲、不鏽鋼螺絲、汽車螺絲等產品的開發。 擁有豐富的螺絲扣件製造經驗,向來以嚴格的品質控管、不斷精益求精,透過專業知識對客戶輔以技術服務,開啟國際聲譽,在世界扣件市場的藍海中年年茁壯成長。 本影片由外貿協會(TAITRA)台灣經貿網製作,感謝豐鵬工業接受採訪。
The biannual Taiwan International Fastener Show, This year's(2014) show attracted around 20,000 visitors from around the world. The show broke its own records in terms of event size and the number of international buyers that visited the show. The venue of Taiwan Connects is closely situated near Taiwan's fastener industry cluster. The exhibition hall is within 30 minutes drive of Luzhu and Gangshan. After the show, international buyers can extend their itineraries to visit the 600-plus fastener makers located nearby, where further business opportunities await. Taiwan Connects was the first ever show held at...
第三回台湾ファスニング見本市は、ねじ産業のメーカー及び世界中のバイヤーが数多く集まり、アジア2位、世界3位のねじ専門見本市となっています。出展企業は350社、合計850小間が設けられ、わずか2日間で世界各地から約2,000名の海外バイヤーを引き寄せ、前回より10.2%の成長を見せました。台湾国内からの来場者は20,000人を超え、商機は4億ドルと予測されています。 次回の「台湾国際ファスニング見本市」は2016年4月11日から13日まで高雄で開催され、開催期間は3日間までに延長し、再び台湾国内業界の指標となる企業を集め、世界各地のバイヤーに台湾ねじ産業の製造における確固たる実力を示します。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網