2022年台北國際食品系列展於疫情後首度回歸6月份檔期,6/22-25於南港展覽1館及2館盛大展出。該展匯聚23國1,097家參展商使用3,105個攤位,規模較上屆(2021年)成長133%,展出全球優質美味、食品加工/包裝機械、包裝材料與餐飲設備,完整呈現食品產業供應鏈。 貿協董事長黃志芳於開幕致詞時化身美食家帶領眾人體驗五大洲美食,展現台北國際食品系列展國際化的一面。總統蔡英文致詞時則表示,台北國際食品系列展除了是亞洲極具規模的食品平台,更是文化交流重要的平台,透過食品可以呈現各國自身文化特色,亦能傳遞溫暖的人情味。立陶宛農業部政次Mr. Egidijus Giedraitis也於致詞時提及藉本次機會台灣消費者可找到更多來自立陶宛的產品,並希望透過與台灣的合作進入亞洲市場。 濃厚的異國風味的台北國際食品展,由18國國家館展出各地精選特色食飲品文化。本次為第二屆參展的立陶宛館,聯合財團法人中華穀類食品工業技術研究所,以及吳寶春、武子靖兩位世界麵包冠軍與賴文典、鄒致誠等知名烘培專家,使用立陶宛的麵粉製成多種烘焙產品並提供現場試吃。另外,美、日、韓等熱門館今年更是擴大展出規模,帶來精釀啤酒、高品質人蔘、特選咖...
Know more: https://pacificexp.en.taiwantrade.com/ PACIFIC EXPORTS INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. is a leading formulator, manufacturing of personal Skin care ,cosmetics and Personal protective equipment , Our mission is helping private brand of all products in OEM, ODM. With more than 20 years experienced in global business , Pacific exports provides non-stop service, from developing, production, quality and delivery. You will have unique products and our full service in the coming future. Contact us:https://pacificexp.en.taiwantrade.com/contact/supplier #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts Sourcing more Taiwan Prod...
Know more: http://fullsum.en.taiwantrade.com It's started a small company original in Taiwan. We have over 25 years experiences. We export many kind of products, ex: timber furniture , gift, musical product, decoration, accesories, Eco product ,woman products etc. We are doing worldwide relationship from Asia. There are over 100 containers export from Asia per year. Hope we can get more and more business partner from all over the world. Our main ECO product is made from Pulp mold, sugarcane, fiber, paper. all about biodegradable raw material. Please feel free to contact with us. It's our time to provide t...
More info: https://seconn.en.taiwantrade.com/ “Seconn” is a leading Taiwan factory and we have produced a variety of customized cable assemblies, Wire Harness and connectors. Our company has 35 years experience and we can do OEM Cable assembly and Connectors according to customer’s requirement. Our factory location in Shenzhen, China and we have 6000 square meters and 200 employees. Our factory approved the ISO-9001 quality guarantee system management and our products certificated with the RoHS, UL, Waterproof IP68, D & B D-U-N-S and REACH with high quality and reliability. We can produce ...
More info: https://eurogreen.en.taiwantrade.com/ Electric Mobility Scoota series are our reputable products, while disable and senior/elderly users are our main target. Mobility Scooters – Supascoota can be used indoor or outdoor. Also Mobility Scooters – Supascoota can be a Travel Scooter, which can be used at the supermarket, park, or as a Transport Mobility scooter, used in the bus or train trip, cruise ship or just leave it in the trunk ready for Action. Taking the Light Weight Portable Mobility Scooter – Supascoota with you on your next holiday and be the envy of everyone. Our Light Weight Scooter, Portable scooter ...
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#2020FshionWorldTokyo #TaiwantradeBooth@7-58 Know more: https://aureate.en.taiwantrade.com/ Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com We, Aureate Int'l Co., Ltd is a circular seamless apparel supplier, our product categories are as below; Activewear Fitness/Yoga wear Women Underwear Sports thermal baselayer Fitted wear Our products are able to offer following advantages; a. Technical functions-Breathable, Moisture Management, Anti-Microbial, Thermo Regulation b. Ventilation zones at any parts of the apparel as request, but without stitches at sideseam c. Fab...
The first edition of Taiwan International Water Week (TIWW 2019), featuring 113 exhibitors using 217 booths, the TIWW attracted nearly 4,500 professional buyers from home and abroad, including buyers from 40 countries such as Japan, the United States, Egypt, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore. It is obvious that the TIWW, which Taiwan demonstrates its strength of innovative water technologies to the world, has become a unique trading platform that no other suppliers and traders in the industry can afford to miss. The next TIWW will be held at the Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1 ...