10 筆資料

Safety Control Cable Ind. Co., Ltd. - The Leading Industrial Control Cable Specialist in Taiwan.

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Know more: https://safetycontrolcable.en.taiwantrade.com/ Safety Control Cable Ind. Co., Ltd. was established in 1960,specializing in designing and building the best,highly reliable & performance mechanical control cable for Automobile, Motorcycle,Marine,Yacht,Watercraft,Snowmobile,Agriculture,Forklift,Construction and Component applications。 We are the sole supplier that has been Ford Q1 award, and IATF16949, ISO14001 acquired in Taiwan. The major brands we cooperated : Motorcycle:Yamaha, Sym, Suzuki, Kymco, Honda, Kawasaki. Automobile: Mitsubishi, Nissan, Honda, Kia, Hyundai, Isuzu, Suzuki, Hyu...


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More info: https://seconn.en.taiwantrade.com/ “Seconn” is a leading Taiwan factory and we have produced a variety of customized cable assemblies, Wire Harness and connectors. Our company has 35 years experience and we can do OEM Cable assembly and Connectors according to customer’s requirement. Our factory location in Shenzhen, China and we have 6000 square meters and 200 employees. Our factory approved the ISO-9001 quality guarantee system management and our products certificated with the RoHS, UL, Waterproof IP68, D & B D-U-N-S and REACH with high quality and reliability. We can produce ...

MSP techonology Co., LTD. - Network cabling materials

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MSP techonology Co., LTD. - Network cabling materials More info: http://mspcyberwork.en.taiwantrade.com We are a Taiwanese company with our head office in Taoyuan, Taiwan. We have 20 years of product design and development,15 years of factory B2B business management experience. We can fully understand the problems and needs of customers in the process of cooperating with us. We can provide flexible and effective solutions to form a win-win situation and become a long-term B2B partner. Our products lines including Automobile lights, Network cabling material and Bluetooth application electroni...

Erocore - Power Inductor, Common Mode Filter, Choke,Coil & Ferrite Core

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Visit us:https://www.core.com.tw/ More Products: https://erocore.en.taiwantrade.com/product-catalog/all-products.html Contact us:sales@core.com.tw Erocore Enterprise Co.,Ltd, established in 1994, is a leading professional Manufacturers of Power Inductor, Common Mode Choke & Ferrite Material in Taiwan. Erocore has mastered the key material, including magnetic techniques and complete manufacturing process, such as precise wire winding, molding and other various inductor processes wtih over 25 years of manufacturing experence. Eorocore's main products are SMD Power Inductor, Common Mode Choke...


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Know more: https://jsplastic.en.taiwantrade.com/ Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com JSP (JYH SHINN PLASTIC Co., LTD.) has been found since 1976, and specialized in production of Nylon Cable Tie and Wiring Accessories.We have professional technology in Plastic Injection Model developing & modeling experiences to meet the demand of the special requirement of customer’s. Since the establishment, we continued to supply our customers with high quality, punctual delivery and customer satisfaction. As we are devoted to upgrade our product’s quality, we adopt automatic equipme...

Optimizing Digi-Life with Aggressiveness, Innovation and Efficiency from Cvilux

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Founded in 1990, Cvilux dedicates in manufacturing & selling connectors, FFC, and Wire harnesses. CviLux products are distributed through European, Asian and American markets. With integrated sales network, CviLux is able to connect its Asian production bases and sales partners all over the world in a very short time. In the past, CviLux stood for stable, speedy, and quality. In the future, CviLux will go on to offer faster, better and add-on value products with great service to win your trust. This video is made by Taiwantrade, organized by the Bureau of Foreign Trade under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and implemen...

歐盟促進成長訪問團首度來台 點亮臺歐盟企業合作契機

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外貿協會(TAITRA)受經濟部國際貿易局委託,策略聯盟工研院、電電公會、歐洲在台商務協會及國研院等共組團隊,業於今年5月28日獲歐盟成長總署(DG GROW)審核通過,歐盟正式宣布台灣正式加入「企業歐洲網絡(Enterprise Europe Network,簡稱EEN)」,成立「企業歐洲網絡臺灣商務合作中心(EEN Taiwan)」。 我加入EEN後,首發活動即是此次由貿協配合經濟部國際貿易局歡迎「歐盟促進成長訪問團(EU Mission for Growth to Taiwan 2015)」。 該訪團係由歐盟執委會成長總署Daniel Calleja Crespo總署長率15國67家歐洲企業代表前來,於6月4日台北世貿一館第3會議室,上午舉辦「如何在臺灣及歐盟經商:機會、挑戰及成功經驗」研討會,下午另舉辦B2B廠商洽談會。該兩場活動均透過EEN(B2Match)機制進行線上登錄及配對媒合,說明會逾220人報名參加,洽談會則有13國35家外商及台灣67家廠商參加,計洽談150場次。 梁國新特別針對台灣產業優勢發表專題演說,還有重量級貴賓智榮基金會董事長施振榮及臺歐盟8位企業人士現身說法,分享...

2015年4月1日全球採購夥伴大會 重量級買主匯集 推升臺灣出口動能

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經濟部國際貿易局為了協助臺灣中小企業掌握全球復甦商機,已連續6年委託外貿協會(TAITRA)辦理「全球採購夥伴大會」,第7屆即將在4月1日於南港展覽館登場,預估將有68國550家買主來臺採購,除買主國別為歷年最多外,大型買主也較去年成長,活動盛況可期。 本次採購大會貿易局特別動員經濟部及外貿協會海外超過120個外館全力洽邀下,買主國別趨向多元化,目前預計來臺買主家數以新興市場買主比重最高達63.4%,亦為歷年最高,其他為歐美日已開發市場占20.2%、中國大陸占16.4%,11大重點市場買主家數占總買主數43%亦為歷年最高。 年營業額1億美元以上的大型買主達171家較去年成長6.2%,年營業額10億美元以上買主高達51家。各地區市場均邀請到當地最具代表性的買主;為掌握新興市場潛力發展商機,及推廣臺灣優勢產業,本年度採購大會活動特別規劃多項創新的作法,以協助我業者開發國內外合作商機。 為協助國內中小企業進入歐盟市場,貿易局積極推動我國加入「歐洲企業網絡(Enterprise Europe Network,簡稱EEN)」。本次採購大會活動特別邀請比利時EEN處長Ms. Lutgardis Spaepen來臺分享據點...