4 筆資料

WINNING INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. - Auto Electrical Parts

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Know more: http://winning.en.taiwantrade.com WINNING Industrial Co., Ltd is professional in manufacturing auto electrical parts, e.g. Combination Switch, Ignition Starter Switch, Auto switch, Temperature and Oil Pressure Sensor etc. WINNING was established in 1979 based in Changhua, Taiwan. We not only supply leading aftermarket companies but also carry out projects with OEM factories. In order to maintain high levels of customer service, we are continually investing in new testing equipment and improving our production techniques. We're devoted to providing the best quality products with the most competitiv...

HOMER ZIPPER CO., LTD. (100% R-PET Zipper)

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#2020FshionWorldTokyo #TaiwantradeBooth@7-58 Know more:https://homer.en.taiwantrade.com/ Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com Homer Zipper Co., Ltd was established in 1997, Taiwan. The aim of our company is to supply the ECO friendly good zipper for you. In order to stay competitive in the market, we've also constantly developed and launched new products with high quality and reasonable price and ECO friendly product to meet customers' demands. The current main products including ECO Mold Zipper, ECO Coil Zipper, traditional zippers, etc. The ECO zipp...

一條拉鍊一份承諾-影音快遞 優質平價36 弘采拉鍊

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弘采拉鍊成立於民國79年,早期多從事知名品牌拉鍊的代工,後發展出自有品牌M.A.P. ZIPPER。在生產過程中,秉持著「作一萬條拉鍊,哪怕只有一條故障,對使用者來說,就是百分之百的不良。」的態度,來生產高品質的產品,而在相關產業逐漸外移的時候,弘采亦結合研發和創新,持續開發出許多特殊功能的拉鍊產品,如感光變色、感溫變色已極可以達到一次回收目的的環保拉鍊等,期望能達到立足台灣,走向國際的品牌經營理念 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網

全球拓展 貿協相伴~弘采拉鍊有限公司 廠商實證

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弘采拉鍊有限公司成立於1997年,早在1979年開始便有拉鍊代工的經驗,目前以MAP ZIPPER為自有品牌推廣產品,除一般拉鍊製品外,也設計開發了多種拉練應用商品如:拉鍊包、拉鍊項鍊、吊飾等,將拉鏈從原來的配角搖身一變成為主角。弘采表示,在網路行銷的時代,透過台灣經貿網,可以接觸到更多全球各地的買家,更有效的達到推廣品牌及拓展商機的目標。...... TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網