30 筆資料

2023台灣國際醫療暨健康照護展 「以人為本」價值核心促精準醫療發展

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2023年「台灣國際醫療暨健康照護展(Medical Taiwan)」6/8-6/10於台北南港展覽2館展出,計230家企業使用400個攤位,聚焦「數位躍進」、「醫材鏈結」、「創新動能」、「人本未來」及「全齡照護」五大主題,呈現醫材產業鏈及多元創新的智慧醫療發展,協助業者拓展市場,媒合跨界商機。 今年整體參觀人數較疫情前成長10%,展覽以「Beyond Healthcare」為題,強調業者及民眾在健康照護的基礎下,更加關注以人為本的需求。參展企業CSD中衛近年轉型打造自家品牌,今年持續在展覽中打造全新品牌形象櫃,呈現健康永續的美學概念。中衛表示,透過展覽建立與消費者的溝通橋樑及與買主交流獲得第一手的需求資訊,對於產品優化與品牌溝通有相當大的助益。 展中辦理國內外雙向採購洽談會,集結來自德國、法國、馬來西亞、哈薩克、孟加拉、巴西、沙烏地阿拉伯等共計40名買主與臺灣企業進行99場次媒合洽談,疫後復甦的實體商機可期。 台北市醫材公會與醫材全國聯合會攜手使用100個攤位,創下歷年組團最大規模,台北市醫材公會理事長林燕山表示,本次擴大攤位,不僅擴大能見度,國外買主詢問度提高,也是一個很好的機會,促進臺灣同業間...

JXF TRADING CORP. - Liquid Dispenser, Container, Soap

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Know more: http://jxf.en.taiwantrade.com JXF Trading Corp. was established in 1995., abide Living with Quality & Style for the first principle of our production developing standards take the advantage on both Mass Production & Small Lot Process, continue with 30 years in international trading business, covering import, export & OEM terms. We have capable & aggressive staffs service for you. Our subsidiary factory major in plastic, metal, leather, wood, glass & ceramic crafts process. We have some partnership with Cosmetic, Sports Rain Coat. Also we supply hi-tech Electric Components & Materials to local Taiwan,...


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Know more: http://hermesclues.en.taiwantrade.com We, Hermes Clues, are a professional manufacturer of foam products. We have a very strong R&D team to develop new products and customized products in the field of sports, fitness equipment, foam toys, foam furniture & health care. We cooperate with different material manufacturers to make various kinds of fitness products to meet the market and customer needs. We have strict quality control process and provide excellent after-sales services. We always offer reasonable prices, stable quality, and deliver goods on time to our customers. To make our custo...

JEFFRIN INT'L CO , LTD Commercial Induction Cooker

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Visit us:http://www.jeffrinintl.com/ Establised from 1990 we are a specialized manufacturer and trader of Electric Household & Kitchenware Appliances . We have our own R&D department and production lines in Taiwan &China , such as Thermo (Air) Pot, Elec. Kettle ,Rice Cooker, Convection Oven , Toaster Oven , Multi-function Cooker , Soybean Maker, Chocolate fountain , Pizza Maker , Coffee Maker etc. The main parts --- pump, pc--board, heating element , plastic injection are put into our own production would furthermore ensure quality level . Please contact us for more features of variety products. Web http://www.j...

BITPLAY INC.-AquaSeal Pouch

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Visit: http://bitplayinc.com/ bitplay AquaSeal Pouch is the revolutionary pouch bag with a combination of sacoche bag and phone bag. IPX7 certificated, Fidlock® magnetic fastener, sensitive screen-touch design, smart storage spaces, professional straps. Your best partner for all your adventures. About bitplay Explore life better. what we do: At bitplay, we inspire adventure. Whether you’re an urban traveler or a forever-wanderer, bitplay makes everyone into a storyteller. Born to create possibility, we build things people love—and help them find a new perspective. We are here to help you live life to the fullest, to pl...

2019 MEDICAL TAIWAN Your Best Medical Procurement Platform in Asia

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2019 MEDICAL TAIWAN recruited 326 exhibitors using 620 booths and attracted more than 6,000 professional visitors such as wholesalers, manufacturers, importers/exporters, and people who work in hospitals and clinics. Let's see some comments and feedbacks from exhibitors and visitors! Also, don’t miss the business opportunities in this medical networking place next year. 更多商情 立即前往台灣經貿網: https://info.taiwantrade.com/

Taipei International Sporting Goods Show - 2020 TaiSPO

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TaiSPO, A hub for the latest fashions, innovation and R&D in sporting goods. Visitor Pre-Registration for 2020: https://loom.ly/87YVvBE

2018 MEDICARE & SenCARE 亞洲專業醫療採購平台

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2018 MEDICARE & SenCARE recruited 408 exhibitors using 868 booths and generated over 290 one-on-one procurement meetings, double the number of the year prior, during the show dates. Let's see some comments and feedbacks from exhibitors and visitors! Also, don’t miss the business opportunities in this medical networking place next year. In 2019, the event organizer the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), has integrated two shows into MEDICAL TAIWAN, which combines three fields - Medical, Health and Care - to create the only B2B business platform in the medical device and healthcare i...