Know more: Shang Chuen Weighting Machine Co., Ltd. was established in 1983, its business was majored in selling electronic scales in the early history of foundation. In 1985, the company started to develop and manufacture its own scales because of the remarkable sales volume. In 1994, the company became a contract supplier to the Shimadzu Corp. of Japan, resulted in influential benefit on improving manufacturing techniques. We are now one of the leading manufacturers, with factory located in Taiwan and Dong Gung, China, specializing in high standard electronic sca...
More info: We create teams with our clients and partners to keep both business in a perpetual state of winning. Inwood support big idea and the people who have them. Inwood build up novity, efficient and simple products for people who need them. Inwood source new and good products for people who are looking for them. Not only provide products but also ideas and services. ■ Main Produts: Camera Stand, Camera Bag, Strap, Mandoline, Kitchen Organization, Kitchen Gadget ■Contact us: #Taiwantrade Sourcing ...
Visit us: Establised from 1990 we are a specialized manufacturer and trader of Electric Household & Kitchenware Appliances . We have our own R&D department and production lines in Taiwan &China , such as Thermo (Air) Pot, Elec. Kettle ,Rice Cooker, Convection Oven , Toaster Oven , Multi-function Cooker , Soybean Maker, Chocolate fountain , Pizza Maker , Coffee Maker etc. The main parts --- pump, pc--board, heating element , plastic injection are put into our own production would furthermore ensure quality level . Please contact us for more features of variety products. Web http://www.j...
廣西、雲南、貴州、海南,4省GDP水準排名較後,但經濟成長速度則較快,未來發展潛力無窮,為外貿協會(TAITRA)台灣貿易中心廣州代表處南寧聯絡點服務轄區。台商可透過參加台灣名品博覽會、中國-南亞博覽會、中國-東盟博覽會、視訊採購、省領導赴台採購團等活動,有效拓展商機。 外貿協會台灣貿易中心廣州代表處南寧聯絡點網址為 :
“九省通衢”的湖北武漢,是大陸重要的水陸空交通樞紐。2014年武漢生產總值達到人民幣10,069.48億元,正式邁入了中國城市“萬億GDP俱樂部”。湖北優勢產業包含食品、農業、餐飲、商貿流通、鋼鐵、汽車等。湖北省會武漢市依托地理優勢,建成長江中游運輸中心,以1,000公里輻射半徑,覆蓋湖北、湖南、江西、河南等地的大陸華中區域中心城市。 本集影片由外貿協會(TAITRA)台灣貿易中心成都代表處駐武漢聯絡點製作。台灣貿易中心成都代表處駐武漢聯絡點網址為 :
四川、重慶GDP增速較快,經過未來一帶一路規劃,新疆、青海、西藏與周邊國家接壤,未來發展潛力無窮。 外貿協會(TAITRA)台灣貿易中心成都代表處服務轄區為四川、重慶、新疆、青海、西藏,轄區幅員遼闊。成都代表處網站為 :
本影片由外貿協會(TAITRA)台灣貿中心上海代表處製作,介紹上海、浙江省經貿情況,從上海自貿區到五大中心建設,從汽車製造業到會展產業介紹,從上海台商至浙江省優勢產業,相信能成為您拓展市場的最佳介紹。 台灣貿易中心上海代表處成立於2012年12月18日,為台灣在大陸設立的首個經貿辦事機構。台灣貿易中心上海代表處網址為 :
最近幾年印度市場熱門,為此,外貿協會(TAITRA)位於南印清奈辦事處製作本集影片,介紹印度當地一些市場資訊、投資注意事項,貿易障礙等問題,希望能夠提供對印度市場有興趣的廠商簡單的知識,避免不必要誤會及風險。如果有任何疑問或希望了解的地方,歡迎寄信到本處信箱,我們將近一步給您答覆。 外貿協會駐清奈辦事處網址 :