25 筆資料

GUANGQING City Trading Co., Ltd. - Bubble Tea

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Know more: http://chacha101.en.taiwantrade.com Guang Qing established more than 40 years of experience in tea manufacturing and tea export. The company strategy is to integrate the catering and beverage industry. We offer professional bubble tea drink consultants, provide professional and comprehensive after-sales service, and operate in the international market without hindrance. Our mission is always to stand behind our products and support our partners along the way. Contact us: https://chacha101.en.taiwantrade.com/contact/supplier #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts Sourcing more Taiw...

Kaohsiung Yuherbau Litchis

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Due to the fact Dashu of Kaohsiung is situated near the Kaoping River, the surrounding natural environment and rich soil make Yuherbau litchis extra large and extremely sweet. Dashu's Yuherbau litchis are responsible for 80% - 90% of Taiwan's litchi market. https://info.taiwantrade.com/

Kaohsiung Jujube

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Kaohsiung City has the largest yield of jujubes, producing large, tasty fruit.. Jujube is thin-skinned, juicy, and rich in vitamin C, with a delicious, crisp taste in every bite. Because the harvest time of jujube occurs before and after the Chinese New Year, and jujube is considered an auspicious fruit, it has become a very popular gift during the Chinese New Year. The major growing regions of jujubes include the districts of Yanchao, Taisha, Alian, Tianlao and Gangshan of Kaohsiung. The soil here is rich in potassium, magnesium and other minerals and trace elements, giving the fruits grown in these areas an especially strong...

「印尼LIDO CITY智慧城市商機說明會」

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東協規模最大的媒體集團 MNC Group將於雅加達南方70公里,兩座國家公園間進行名為Lido City之智慧城市造鎮計畫,計畫開發面積3,000公頃,是一以「物聯網」串連的嶄新智慧城市。外貿協會特邀請該集團高層來臺,於2月1日說明Lido City的開發計畫,盼與我國廠商在資金、技術與科技的合作,以統包或單一項目合作方式,當日並將請安永圓方國際法律事務所先由台商赴印尼投資概況切入,講解台商赴印尼投資公司及工廠設立流程、投資法規、公司法規、勞工法規以及碰到的挑戰和解決方法。

SMART ASIA 2017 Expo & Summit

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The first edition of ‘Smart Asia – Expo & Summit’ was held November 23-25, 2017 at White Orchid Convention Center in Bangalore. The event aimed to connect Taiwan's expertise in building efficient smart cities with India’s burgeoning Smart Cities Mission. The three main themes of the trade show were Smart City Solutions, Smart Technology Applications, and City Development Products & Services. Key exhibitors were world-class Taiwanese companies such as Acer India, Advantech, Delta Electronics, CHEM, CTCI, Everlight, FETC, MOXA, QNAP Systems and YouBike. 由外貿協會主辦的首屆「SMART ASIA」於2017年11月23日至25日...

TAITRONICS 2017 to invigorate AIoT and smart tech sectors

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由中華民國對外貿易發展協會及台灣區電機電子工業同業公會(電電公會)共同主辦的「2017年台北國際電子產業科技展」(簡稱電子展或TAITRONICS),於10月11日至14日在台北南港展覽館1館展出。今年邁入第43屆,超過400家廠商使用超過800個攤位,為協助買主有效搜尋潛力合作廠商與產品,外貿協會也將在電子展期間辦理一對一採購洽談會,媒合採購需求。 除了重量級臺灣廠商,還有來自印度、日本、韓國、香港及中國的廠商,14家國內外新創企業也將參展並注入創新能量。電子展不僅整合完整電子產業鏈,更成為打造多元垂直整合應用的最佳平台。

連結東盟與南亞 廣西雲南潛力大 : 外貿協會台灣貿易中心廣州代表處南寧聯絡點

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廣西、雲南、貴州、海南,4省GDP水準排名較後,但經濟成長速度則較快,未來發展潛力無窮,為外貿協會(TAITRA)台灣貿易中心廣州代表處南寧聯絡點服務轄區。台商可透過參加台灣名品博覽會、中國-南亞博覽會、中國-東盟博覽會、視訊採購、省領導赴台採購團等活動,有效拓展商機。 外貿協會台灣貿易中心廣州代表處南寧聯絡點網址為 : http://nanning.taiwantrade.com.tw/

江蘇省經貿概況及拓銷建議 : 台灣貿易中心上海代表處南京聯絡點

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江蘇省作為目前大陸綜合發展水準最高的省份,物產人力資源極為豐富,台商企業發展成熟,投資額連續12年居大陸第一。江蘇省南部與“長三角經濟區”核心城市上海接壤,經濟實力極強。本片對江蘇省的經貿環境及適合拓銷產品都做了簡要介紹,並提供了4點市場拓銷建議。歡迎台商來江蘇開拓市場,台灣貿易中心(TAITRA)南京駐點非常樂意為您提供協助。 台灣貿易中心上海代表處南京聯絡點網址為 : http://nanjing.taiwantrade.com.tw/