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在人手一機的時代,吸引眼球👀的網紅經濟也迅速成長。 根據Influencer Marketing Hub調查全球2000家企業,有高達90%的B2B/B2C企業相信網紅是有效的行銷方式,也同時帶動虛擬Youtuber,VTuber市場的巨大商機!! 你想請網紅幫你行銷🎬卻擔心預算❓ 想做產品影片卻沒有人才❓ 不用擔心,台灣經貿網與最新科技公司合作為你打造最潮虛擬主播影片 運用最新AI科技,以「企業專屬Avartar 產品解說影音生成DIY」讓你影音行銷好EZ❗❗ 台灣經貿網提供完整數位貿易生態圈,從金物流到數位行銷一應俱全,並提供專屬優惠與支援,助你開拓與行銷雙乘加倍,眾多服務等你來申請! 台灣經貿網 與您一起迎接數位貿易時代 \ 限時 / 促銷方案👉 ► 立即來電免費專線諮詢 📞 0800-506-066 ► 訂閱台灣經貿網頻道 #Taiwantrade #最潮虛擬主播 #AI影片 #數位行銷 #台灣經貿網 📌中文網站: 📌英文主網: #Taiwantr...
「影音內容」在數位行銷領域愈來愈重要, 且72% 的人更傾向透過影音去認識一項新商品或服務! 您想做影片🎬卻擔心預算❓ 公司沒有相關人才❓ 自已拍卻效果不好❓ 不用擔心,台灣經貿網與最新科技公司合作,運用最新AI科技幫你快速完成影片,讓你影音行銷好EZ❗❗ 台灣經貿網提供完整數位貿易生態圈,從金物流到數位行銷一應俱全,並提供專屬優惠與支援,助你開拓與行銷雙乘加倍,眾多服務等你來申請! 台灣經貿網 與您一起迎接數位貿易時代 \ 限時 / 年終促銷方案👉 ► 立即來電免費專線📞 0800-506-066 ► 訂閱台灣經貿網頻道 #Taiwantrade #AI影片 #數位行銷 #台灣經貿網 📌中文網站: 📌英文主網:
台灣經貿網提供完整數位貿易生態圈 從金物流到數位行銷一應俱全,並與國際知名電商平台如Amazon、ebay、Newegg、PchomeThai、Blibli、Tiki、Qoo10、Tradeindia合作,提供專屬上架優惠與支援,讓你一鍵賣向全球,眾多電商服務等你來申請! 台灣經貿網 與您一起迎接數位貿易時代 跨境電商最佳夥伴 與我們一起賣向全球! \ 限時 / 年終促銷方案👉 ► 立即來電免費專線📞 0800-506-066 ► 訂閱台灣經貿網頻道 MIT製造 台灣知名羽球品牌JNICE 熱情贊助: #Taiwantrade 📌中文網站: 📌英文主網: #台灣經貿網 #不出門也能接訂單 #跨境電商 #數位貿易 #B2B2C #電子商務 #出口 #生態圈 #數位行銷 #跨境銷售 #賣向全球 #Amazon #TA光點
We, AUTO CLAMP CO., LTD. with over 40 years professional manufacturing experience, we specialize in manufacturing and exporting of various kinds of hose clamps to worldwide, with more than 40 years’ worth experience. We provide Germany type, America miniature type, America interlock type, quick hose clamp, heavy-duty T bolt clamp, handle type hose clamp, ear clamp, SS cable tie, CV boot Clamp and wire type hose clamp, etc. We also have abundant experience to do OEM against some customers’ special request. We trust we will be your perfect partners not just in terms of the supplying of clamp. #Taiw...
More info: Sinyuu Industrial Co., LTD. has been dominating ODM and OEM cleansing industry for 15 years long. We make baby cleansing products, detergents, denture cleanser, a variety of sesame body cleanser and skin care products. We have been cooperating with several domestic chain drug store for a long time. We believe that only when we focus on the details of each manufacturing step and use the best materials, we can help our clients make cleansing products with the best quality and texture. ■Main Product: Baby Powder, Baby Lotion, Herbal Bath Powder, Disinfectant Spr...
More info: We create teams with our clients and partners to keep both business in a perpetual state of winning. Inwood support big idea and the people who have them. Inwood build up novity, efficient and simple products for people who need them. Inwood source new and good products for people who are looking for them. Not only provide products but also ideas and services. ■ Main Produts: Camera Stand, Camera Bag, Strap, Mandoline, Kitchen Organization, Kitchen Gadget ■Contact us: #Taiwantrade Sourcing ...
More info: We Started devoting to food manufacturing since1986. and we have been fascinated by creating infinite possibility of foods. In Ting Jean , We hope to bring a varitety of bubble tea materials and share it with people all around the world . So we keep on creating and producting high-quality products, turning a simple cup of bubble tea into a highly innovative industry. At "Ting Jean" , we can not only supply complete knowledge of opening a tea shop , but also product hight-qulity and customized merchandise. For pursuing stable product quality and follow the idea of sust...