The 2017 Taipei International Invention Show & Technomart (Taipei INST) took places at Taipei World Trade Centre during Sep. 28 ~ 30, 2017, which attracted more than 60,000 visitors from both local and international professionals. The show represented a gathering of local and international research institutes, businesses as well as exceptional individual inventors, all of whom endeavored to exhibit their innovative works, showcased great varieties of products and technologies, which were deeply praised by many international visitors.
The 9th Taipei International Invention Show and Technomart was completed successfully on 29th September. The organizer represented that the four-day exhibition attracted a total of nearly 100,000 visitors, including people who brought their family or friends. It reveals that the concept of invention and innovation is deeply rooted among Taiwanese. This year, there were 1,005 entries from 22 countries. 16 Platinum Award winners, 146 gold medals, 148 silver medals, and 204 bronze medals were awarded. Among them, the union of Kaohsiung City Elementary and Secondary School won 13 trophies, which was th...
全球發明界共同矚目,亞洲最大發明盛會,由中華民國對外貿易發展協會舉辦,「2012台北國際發明暨技術交易展」9月20-23日於世貿一館盛大展出。本屆台北國際發明暨技術交易展共有來自680家國內外廠商,使用1,079個攤位,展出超過2,000項發明、專利與技術。 並規劃多項展區及活動:技術交易區、發明競賽區,更擴大學校作品區、新增專利商品區、發明諮詢專區。 對發明創作有興趣的人,更可透過「INST發明達人誌」臉書粉絲專業即時得知展會與發明界輕鬆有趣的消息,參與展中各項精彩的互動遊戲,更有機會獲得機票等大獎! TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
The 2011 Taipei International Invention Show and Technomart (INST) was held over 4 days at TWTC Exhibition Hall 1 from September 29th to October 2nd. This year's INST was jointly sponsored by the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Education, the National Science Council, the Council of Agriculture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The organizers consisted of TAITRA, the Industrial Technology Research Institute and the Taiwan Technology Marketplace. Now in its 7th year, the show has continued to grow each year. Nearly 700 inventors, businesses and academic units from 23 countries used more than 1,0...
邁入第五屆的台北國際發明暨技術交易展,技術交易與發明競賽兩大展區匯集台灣最創新、最趣味、最實用的發明與專利技術,展現台灣產官學研十足創造力。跟著音樂一起跳舞的MP3、會發電的彩色窗、可以吃的泡麵碗還有水管機器人,透過豐富多元的展覽,勾勒未來新生活。亞洲最具創意與爆發力的台北國際發明暨技術交易展,全面向世界展現國人軟實力 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
根據IMD世界競爭力年報評比,2008年台灣專利生產力全球排名第二,創意發明也為產業注入絕佳競爭力活水。近年,台灣發明人在國際競賽綻放光采,從國際備受尊崇的日內瓦發明展到近年新秀韓國首爾發明展,屢屢囊括金牌的台灣發明界,精采的表現創意的產品不容錯過!!! 隨著9月24日將要登場的2009 INST 台北國際發明暨技術交易展,搶先一窺台灣發明靓品!!!! TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
邁入第四屆的台北國際發明展,於9/25~28日在世貿一館展現國人創意發明與技術革新。現場首次公開的技術與創新產品,絕對讓人大開眼界。 台北國際發明展由外貿協會(TAITRA)、工業技術研究院、台灣技術交易整合服務中心共同執行。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網