Know more: VAN-TEK was established in 1989, serving various valves and pipe fittings in globe trade and parts by customized specifications. We are one reliable and excellent producer in Taiwan, prioritizing customers’ requirements and high quality products. Sustainable development is our belief and goal. Our company plans to collect recyclables and encourage to alter parts replaced and to change full set items. Furthermore, settling solar power equipment, reusing water and using wind energy. In developing business, we participated with social assistance for weakn...
Know more: Auspicious Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. was established in 1979 in Taiwan. We are specialized in manufacturing various types of electrical control components. Our product lines include: Pilot lamp, Push button & Selector switch 10, 16, 22, 25, 30φmm mounting diameter, Hoist push button, Pedal switch, Screw clamp terminal 2.5-70mm2, Terminal block 10A ~ 400A, Cam switch 20A, 40A, 80A, 120A, Panel mounting rotary switch, Power switch, Relay base, Panel meter, Micro switch, Limit switch, and Tower light…etc. OEM and ODM are also applicable on reque...
More info: Established in 1978, Hua Ching Manufacturing Co., Ltd. as a professional manufacturer in wooden and plastic drafting supplies for over 43 years. We specialize in manufacturing wooden T-Square,easels, rulers, furniture, drafting supplies, gifts and due to our high- quality products and competitive pricing,we have obtained worldwide recognition. Moreover, cooperation with our customers to develop new items is always our priority. Welcome to contact us whenever you need further information or assistance, it's always our great pleasure at your service. Hidex, the manufac...
Visit us: Jufan has been in automation industry for more than 35 years. Jufan Industrial Co., Ltd. established in 1979,has been in automation industry for more than 35 years and now is one of major makers to produce pneumatic, hydraulic, and vacuum related products and to serve as system integrator of fluid power and transmission control fields. After years of product development and quality improvement, Jufan has been able to produce and to sell products to industrialized countries such as Japan, America, and European Union by utilizing the ca...
看好印度市場的發展潛力,經濟部國際貿易局、外貿協會與印度台北協會於本(2018)年1月24日在台北國際會議中心共同主辦「2018年台印貿易論壇與貿易洽談會」,貿協於論壇上分別與印度貿易推廣組織(India Trade Promotion Organisation,簡稱ITPO)、印度工程出口促進委員會(Engineering Export Promotion Council of India,簡稱EEPC India)簽署合作備忘錄,由貿協副董事長莊碩漢與ITPO執行董事 Deepak Kumar及EEPC India助理執行長Suranjan Gupta代表簽署,並由經濟部常務次長王美花與印度商工部次長Rita Teaotia見證,期盼藉由企業交流、會展合作、組團互訪、市場資訊分享與電商平台鏈結等方式,促進雙邊經貿往來,進一步深化台灣與印度之間的經貿伙伴關係。
Aqua Taiwan surges with the success of the 2014 water show when it returns to Kaohsiung Exhibition Center from Sep. 30th to Oct. 2nd 2015. To make it happen, TAITRA is joining the complete water industry supply chain to display with their best products, tech and equipment from up, mid and downstream suppliers. This comprehensive professional display and trade platform comes with seminars and procurement meetings that unfold a one stop, all-inclusive platform for buyers from home and abroad. Aqua Taiwan 2015 is set to make big ripples to enhance your business! The show is organized by Taiwan Extern...
IRWIN was founded in 1985 and began concentrating on the development and export of high-end bicycle parts and accessories in 1996. Michael Chen, the president of IRWIN, had previously worked in the aerospace industry. His solid engineering background convinced many customers to entrust the development of high-end bicycle parts to IRWIN. IRWIN now has nearly 20 years of experience in the bicycle industry and has good rapport with long-term partners. They know that we are almost obsessive about quality. We know the strengths of each partner as well. This mutual understanding means we have...
Jointly sponsored by the Marine Technology Society (MTS) and the Oceanic Engineering Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE/OES), OCEANS 2014 is a major international forum for scientists, engineers, and responsible ocean users to present the latest research results, ideas, developments, and applications in Oceanic Engineering and Marine Technology. OCEANS 2014 features tutorials on special interest topics, a comprehensive technical program of lectures and presentations, a student program, and a large exhibit hall with products from over one hundred companies. Taiwan's MIC...