More info: We are a Taiwan base company for LED/LCD/TFT display solutions with factories located in Shenzhen. Our products range from office monitors, gaming monitors, ultra-wide screens, curved screens, smart TVs, smart boards, simple desktops, laptops, tablets, digital menu boards, digital signs,....etc. Our customers cover a wide range of industries, including Banks, Hotels, Hospitals, Shopping Malls, Supermarkets, Cinemas, Streets, Parks, Elevators, Surveillance Systems, Bus Stations, Railway Stations, Airports, Intersections of Expressway, Government Organizations, Offices, St...
More info: Raphael company business centers around the designs and manufacture of Industrial computer peripheral products. The major product are AC-DC Converter, DC-DC Power, POE and POS power, Medical power, Network, Telecom power, Gaming power, Adapter and Redundancy power are our world-leading products. Contact us: online shop: #Taiwantrade Sourcing more Taiwan Products:
Visit us: Azza Technologies, Inc is the gaming company for the computer component manufacturing company name Linkworld Electronic Co. Linkworld is known to create OEM computer parts for keyboards, mouse, power supplies, motherboards, vga, and computer case. Linkworld Electronics Co. was established since 1989 and Azza Technologies Inc. was founded in 1994. Ever since then the gaming brand Azza gained recognition in Europe and North America through our quality, unique design, and innovative products. Azza's line of products are gaming computer chassis, ...
2019年台北國際電腦展重磅登場 串聯國內外資通訊產業菁英 展全球科技生態系前瞻動能 全球ICT產業最重要之專業展2019年台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX 2019)5月28日於南港展覽館一館舉辦開幕典禮,總統蔡英文、經濟部部長沈榮津、行政院政務委員龔明鑫、臺北市政府副市長鄧家基、經濟部國際貿易局局長楊珍妮、經濟部中小企業處處長何晉滄、經濟部工業局副局長楊志清、科技部產學及園區業務司司長邱求慧、中華民國對外貿易發展協會董事長黃志芳、台北市電腦公會理事長童子賢、最大外商代表美國在台協會處長酈英傑、InnoVEX展區最大外商代表荷蘭恩荷芬市市長John Jorritsma與台灣智慧型紡織品協會理事長林瑞岳等重要貴賓皆親臨現場,共揭COMPUTEX 2019序幕。 總統蔡英文表示,「COMPUTEX是全球資通訊產業最具代表性盛事之一,39年來持續引領科技進程,各項展出就像將科幻小說搬到現實世界;而不斷挑戰科技極限的創新應用,也能完整呈現在InnoVEX創新與新創展區,實現科技帶來的無限可能。台灣擁有的技術、智慧財產權,與人才質量等領先的優勢,透過COMPUTEX全方位的國際展會與媒合平台,整合在...
2018年台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX 2018)6/5上午於台北南港展覽館1館隆重登場,副總統陳建仁、外貿協會董事長黃志芳、台北市電腦公會理事長童子賢、經濟部部長沈榮津及歐盟執委會成長總署副總署長Mr. Antti Peltomäki等國內外重要貴賓出席開幕典禮,共同為此全球指標資通訊專業展揭開序幕,透過COMPUTEX持續提供全球資通訊業者國際級媒合平台,引領科技產業新脈動。 外貿協會董事長黃志芳則指出,2018年COMPUTEX聚集了來自30個國家、超過1,600家軟硬體供應商,共同打造全球科技生態系。今年我們看見了AIoT、 5G、區塊鏈在未來應用市場的無窮潛力,因此特別將5G、區塊鏈做為展會六大主題的新元素,盼能帶領全球產業加速擁抱全新應用商機。台灣產業發展也逐步從高科技製造轉向創新研發,今年InnoVEX展區更吸引21國388家新創團隊參展,不僅創下紀錄,更顯示COMPUTEX已成為一個被廣泛認可的國際性新創平台,能協助新創團隊與全球連結,而這也是外貿協會重要的使命之一。 COMPUTEX 2018聚焦六大主題 展覽、論壇、賽事等精彩內容不可錯過 隨著人工智慧、雲端運算以及大數據議...
Established in 1981, COMPUTEX TAIPEI is the leading global ICT and IoT show with a complete supply chain and ecosystems. Co-organized by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) and Taipei Computer Association (TCA), COMPUTEX, based upon Taiwan’s complete ICT clusters, covers the whole spectrum of ICT industry, from established brands to startups and from ICT supply chain to IoT ecosystems. In 2017, COMPUTEX attracted 41,378 international visitors from 167 countries.
由經濟部指導、國際貿易局主辦、外貿協會執行之第19屆(2011)「台灣精品選拔」,在歷時2個多月書面審查及現場評鑑,經過70多位國內知名學者專家審慎評選,在381家廠商、974件報名產品中,選出30件產品,將再選出最能代表台灣產業「創新價值」的金質獎10件,於2011年4月公布。此一系列影片介紹華碩 NX90、G53、U36 筆記型電腦。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網