#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉http://www.kinglucky.com/index.php/en/ Try all of our Oriental Refreshments MIXED CONGEE/PEANUT SOUP WITH MILK/LOTUS OATMEAL/BLACK RICE CONGEE/ GRASS JELLY DESSERT/RICE CONGEE/PEANUT SOUP/RED BEAN SOUP WITH LOTUS SEED/JOB’S TEARS MUNG BEAN Shelf life: 2 YEARS Instant Food Premium Quality: ISO 22000, FSSC 22000, HACCP, HALAL, US FDA Registered, food TQF. No preservatives added. NON-GMO product. #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts #food Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com
#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉http://www.kinglucky.com/index.php/en/ Try all of our Oriental Refreshments MIXED CONGEE/PEANUT SOUP WITH MILK/LOTUS OATMEAL/BLACK RICE CONGEE/ GRASS JELLY DESSERT/RICE CONGEE/PEANUT SOUP/RED BEAN SOUP WITH LOTUS SEED/JOB’S TEARS MUNG BEAN Shelf life: 2 YEARS Instant Food Premium Quality: ISO 22000, FSSC 22000, HACCP, HALAL, US FDA Registered, food TQF. No preservatives added. NON-GMO product. #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts #food Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com
Know more: https://ceitek.en.taiwantrade.com/ 【About us】 CEI Technology Inc. has been dedicating to improving personal healthcare and healthcare environment as a whole by worldwide supplying a wide range of healthcare products and services. According to UN’s World Population Prospect Report, life expectancy has improved rapidly around the world since 1950s. Longer lifetime is no doubt a global trend. CEI was founded with a faith “Life is not only about making it longer, but also healthier”. Uphold this concept, CEI not only just supply medical, healthcare, and beauty products, but also bring a healthier, easi...
Know more: https://prodigital.en.taiwantrade.com/ Since 2005 Prodigital Technology Corp. being active in 40 different countries, works with electrical consultants,electricians,builder,building engineers,developer,architects,designers,international distributors and wholesalers. We're a manufacturer and also offer made to measure LED Lighting services. We supply lighting solutions to the interior, architecture and landscape sectors – from bars, nightclubs, restaurants, street furniture, window displays, garages, warehouses, warehouse docks, freight yards, house interior, building façades, billboard, wall washin...
Know more: http://ghitron.en.taiwantrade.com Ghitron technology Co. Ltd., established in 2004, is a research-oriented company with strong professional R&D team. We actively and aggressively focused on sensor-related research and development,commit to provide best services and products to our customers. Contact us: https://ghitron.en.taiwantrade.com/contact/supplier #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com
「2035 E-Mobility Taiwan (台灣國際智慧移動展)」於10月20日在南港展覽2館及線上同步盛大開展。該展作為臺灣電動車及自駕車產業向國際的發聲平台,首屆舉辦就吸引國內產官學研等指標單位及企業展出,完整展現我國智慧移動產業研發及製造實力,更提供全球買主一站式的採購平台。外貿協會董事長黃志芳更以「Drive Smart. Drive Green.」為概念分享,強調智慧移動產業已進入發展的黃金年代,臺灣具備高素質人才、資通訊產業競爭優勢,以及彈性製造等實力,相信在全球電動車、自駕車發展浪潮中將佔有一席之地。 全球汽車產業在電動車浪潮下,傳統供應鏈已發生變化,軟硬體整合及跨界合作成為產業致勝新關鍵,此次展覽亦可以觀察到業者跨界結盟的趨勢,除mTARC、MIH皆與聯盟成員一同展出合作成果外,臺灣唯二通過電動大客車示範計畫資格審查的車輛業者都參與本次展覽:成運汽車結合大同、研華、飛宏、微星以及精英電腦等廠商,共同展現電動巴士供應鏈合作成果;華德動能與合作夥伴東元電機,亦參與本次展覽,一同搶攻電動巴士商機。 2035 E-Mobility Taiwan官網:https://www.e-mobilityshow.com.t...
More info:http://prodigital.en.taiwantrade.com Since 2005 Prodigital being active in 40 different countries, Prodigital works with architects, building engineers, lighting designers, electrical consultants, electricians, international distributors and wholesalers. We don’t just make lights; we help build the future! We provide a full range of engineering services from project planning and design to implementation with customization to meet clients' needs. Our advantages are, our solutions and services are reasonably priced. We provide full range of services turnkey with further maintenance. We are reliable. We are searchin...
More info: https://euclidauto.en.taiwantrade.com/ The birth and continuation of Euclid Technology is the epitome of Taiwan’s economic development. It was established in November 2008. From the earliest manufacturing tool improvement, cutting machine design and manufacturing, further we design and manufacture special equipment according to customer needs, including: Wafer breaker、Chip-counter、Grinding Machine、Mounter、Tapping、Metal Lift-off、Wafer Transfer、Expender…etc. Even participate in the automation planning and development of production lines in different industries. Euclid Technology t...