4 筆資料


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INTEGRITY.INNOVATION.PROFESSIONAL ♦ABOUT US Chen En was founded in 1983. From our humble beginnings in Taipei City to current position as one of the largest bubble tea suppliers in Taiwan, we always hold the spirit of integrity, innovation and professional to serve our customers. ♦OUR SERVICE We provide not only bubble tea products to customers, but also set up a R&D department for OEM service. Moreover, in order to let everyone understand how to make bubble tea and how to operate tea shops, we also offer one-on-one training course. ♦CERTIFICATES We have a strong commitment to our customers ...

IRWIN - The Uncrowned King of Bicycle Parts and Accessories

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IRWIN was founded in 1985 and began concentrating on the development and export of high-end bicycle parts and accessories in 1996. Michael Chen, the president of IRWIN, had previously worked in the aerospace industry. His solid engineering background convinced many customers to entrust the development of high-end bicycle parts to IRWIN. IRWIN now has nearly 20 years of experience in the bicycle industry and has good rapport with long-term partners. They know that we are almost obsessive about quality. We know the strengths of each partner as well. This mutual understanding means we have...

台北世貿中心獲WTCA8項最佳營運認證 有史以來最亮眼佳績

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台北世界貿易中心於1970年設立以來,即是亞太地區最具規模的世貿中心之一,今(2012)年更積極參與世界貿易中心協會(WTCA)的服務評鑑,在重重評選之下,一舉囊括八項最佳營運(Best Practice)認證殊榮,創下全球世貿中心評鑑有史以來最亮眼的佳績,今(14)日亦在台北國際會議中心舉行授證、授旗儀式。  外貿協會所屬的台北世界貿易中心繼2002年取得六項認證後更上層樓,今年取得八項國際認證,包括貿易訪問團、貿易機會及商情服務、貿易教育服務、展覽設施及服務、會議設施、商務服務、租戶服務、聯誼社設施等,均取得最高等級的銀級認證。  WTCA新任總裁Eric R. Dahl表示,貿協與台北世貿中心工作人員的專業與團隊精神令人讚譽,除了今日的儀式外,本月下旬在莫斯科舉行的國際世貿年會將有更大規模的表彰活動。中華民國對外貿易協會董事長王志剛指出,未來台北世貿除與世界各國會員互相交流與學習外,並樂於分享台北世貿的成功經驗,為世界貿易做出更多貢獻。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網

The Most-Valued and Fair-Priced Products of Taiwan 18: Electric Parts and Components

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Taiwan Sanoh Electric Co., Ltd. was established in 1968 and is a manufacturer of car brake tubes, fuel oil tubes and vacuum tubes as well as time switches and special precision springs for electrical appliances. Faced with a shrinking market and foreign competition in the new century, how will this traditional electrical engineering machinery manufacturer respond to new challenges? TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網