16 筆資料


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Know more: https://auseeco.en.taiwantrade.com/ Auspicious Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. was established in 1979 in Taiwan. We are specialized in manufacturing various types of electrical control components. Our product lines include: Pilot lamp, Push button & Selector switch 10, 16, 22, 25, 30φmm mounting diameter, Hoist push button, Pedal switch, Screw clamp terminal 2.5-70mm2, Terminal block 10A ~ 400A, Cam switch 20A, 40A, 80A, 120A, Panel mounting rotary switch, Power switch, Relay base, Panel meter, Micro switch, Limit switch, and Tower light…etc. OEM and ODM are also applicable on reque...

Safety Control Cable Ind. Co., Ltd. - The Leading Industrial Control Cable Specialist in Taiwan.

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Know more: https://safetycontrolcable.en.taiwantrade.com/ Safety Control Cable Ind. Co., Ltd. was established in 1960,specializing in designing and building the best,highly reliable & performance mechanical control cable for Automobile, Motorcycle,Marine,Yacht,Watercraft,Snowmobile,Agriculture,Forklift,Construction and Component applications。 We are the sole supplier that has been Ford Q1 award, and IATF16949, ISO14001 acquired in Taiwan. The major brands we cooperated : Motorcycle:Yamaha, Sym, Suzuki, Kymco, Honda, Kawasaki. Automobile: Mitsubishi, Nissan, Honda, Kia, Hyundai, Isuzu, Suzuki, Hyu...

2021全球首檔汽機車與車電盛事AMPA實體展4月14日南1館領銜登場 掀起未來移動新商機

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2021年全球汽車產業年度盛會- AMPA品牌系列:「台北國際汽機車零配件展」及「台北國際車用電子展」於4月14日至17日在南港展覽1館盛大登場。380家大廠橫跨11項主題展區,以上千件OEM及售後服務零組件、車用電子、電動車及車聯網等符合ACES未來趨勢的最新展品領先全球、備受國際矚目。四天展期與「AMPA Online」線上展同步串連,線上、線下強強聯手提供全球買主最佳觀展體驗、雙倍擴大展覽效益。 作為全球汽配界第一個大型專業展,本屆AMPA徵集順譽(波力環球)、南晃、雷迪克、維豐橡膠、寶錄電子、景翊科技、馬駿、帷享、車威視、安崎企業、力偕、艾迪森及寬維科技等廠商力挺參展,亦有國際大廠看準臺灣經濟穩定成長及AMPA品牌定位明確而接續參展,包含泰國國家石油公司(PTT Oil)、德國馬勒(Mahle)、羅德史瓦茲(Rohde & Schwarz)及日商業畝(EMU)等。另一方面,已預登觀展的國內外專業人士包含知名車廠如三陽機車、台灣山葉、福特、豐田等。此外,台積電、日月光、緯創、英業達、華創車電等資通訊界均將蒞臨參觀,顯見AMPA展示內容與未來車輛ACES產業趨勢相符。 此外,主辦單位外貿協會亦於A...


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More info: https://www.noodoe.com/ Noodoe EV is the simplest way to charge up your EV. You don’t an account, an RFID card, or even an app to get your vehicle fully charged. All you have to do is scan, pay, and charge. For more information about Noodoe EV, Visit us at www.noodoe.com. Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com

2019 Taipei AMPA 6-in-1 Show

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2019 Taipei AMPA, AutoTronics Taipei, Taiwan ITS, Taiwan EVS, Motorcycle Taiwan, and Taiwan Car Tuning came to a successful conclusion April 27-28. This year, the 6-in-1 show attracted approximately 7,200 foreign buyers from 142 countries. The number of foreign buyers exceeded the previous show. The top 10 buyers were from Japan, China, the United States, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand, South Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, and Indonesia. 更多商情 立即前往台灣經貿網: https://info.taiwantrade.com/ https://www.taiwantrade.com


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隨著全球邁入電動車(Electric Vehicle, EV)的時代,外貿協會於(2018)年2月6日在台北國際會議中心舉辦「臺灣電動車行銷聯盟」成立大會,邀請我國電動車產業重要廠商齊聚一堂,將以「國家隊」形式拓銷海外市場,在國際舞台上打響臺灣「電動車王國」的稱號。 外貿協會董事長黃志芳表示,從許多過去成功的案例中觀察到以團體及整體行銷,乃至國家隊行銷所產生的效果極佳,所以構思成立「電動車國家隊」,希望業者們能攜手合作、技驚國際。 這次貿協瞄準電動車業籌組聯盟,就是看準EV未來龐大商機。目前德、法、英、挪威等歐洲大國,以及中國大陸與印度紛紛訂出2030年或2040年起禁售燃油車的政策。臺灣同樣也在日前提出電動車相關具體政策,預計2030年新購公車及公務車全面電動化、2035年新售機車全面電動化、2040年新售汽車全面電動化。可見,這股電動車掀起的龐大商機正蔓延全球。 臺灣電動車產業已具全球競爭力,從二輪機車整車、電池芯、電池管理系統、動力馬達、轉子、減速齒輪組、傳動系統,到四輪汽車的關鍵零組件如馬達、減速箱齒輪、充電槍、電源控制等,一應俱全。臺灣電動車產品上、中、下游的供應鏈不但完整,而且品質深受國際肯...

TIGIS 2014: Taiwan's Only Int'l Platform Focusing on Energy, Water Technology, and Urban Planning

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2014 TIGIS held in conjunction with the Taipei International Electronics Show(TAITRONICS), from October 6 to October 9 at the TWTC Nangang Exhibition Hall. Two shows together built a great business platform for green technology, providing collaboration opportunities between the electronics and green industries. A total of 201 exhibitors using 331 booths showcase their latest products this year. In 2015, the TIGIS show will be held from October 14 to 16 at the TWTC Nangang Exhibition Hall, in conjunction with Taiwan International Photovoltaic Exhibition. The Shows are organized by Taiwan External Trade Development C...

EV Taiwan(April 8-11, 2015) - Most Professional Sourcing Fair for Electric Vehicles!

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2015年「台灣國際電動車展」將於4月8日至11日在世貿一館盛大展出,是全球電動車產業專業人士匯集的採購盛會,內容凌瑯滿目,精確而專業的程度,廣受世界各地參展廠商與參觀買主的參展與支持。 同期展出「台北國際汽車零配件展」、「台北車用電子展」、「台灣國際機車零配件展」及首屆「台灣國際改裝車暨車身美容保養展」,共同打造亞洲最大的汽機車與電動車展覽會,將有1,500家廠商參展、展出4,000個攤位,展覽規模創新高!汽配五合一展預計將吸引超過53,000名買家及專業人士共襄盛舉,歡迎國內相關業者於展覽期間憑名片至現場免費換證入場! 本活動由外貿協會(TAITRA)主辦。 EV Taiwan, as the most professional sourcing fair for electric vehicle, batteries and charging systems, is going to be held in Taipei TWTC exhibition hall 1 on April 8-11, 2015. The show contains a variety of electric vehicle parts, batteries, charging systems, gaining the great supp...