9 筆資料

(6s) 玉米三巷 Corn Alley|Sorbet, Gelato Ice Cream

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 www.cornalley.com.tw 1. 熱帶水果製成,無添加香精色素,新鮮風味完整呈現 2. 台灣水果世界聞名,品質甜度高、香氣濃厚,用荔枝、紅心芭樂、百香果、愛文芒果製作冰淇淋,風味截然不同,具獨特香氣,品嘗最熱帶的甜美風情! 1. Taiwanese ice cream made of tropical fruits, without adding flavors and pigments, the fresh flavor is fully presented 2. Taiwan’s fruits are world-renowned for their high-quality sweetness and strong aroma. Ice cream is made with lychee, red guava, passion fruit, and Aiwen mango. The flavor is completely different and has a unique aroma. Taste the sweetest tropical flavor! #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts #icecream Sourcing more Taiwan ...

玉米三巷 Corn Alley|Sorbet, Gelato Ice Cream

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 www.cornalley.com.tw 1. 熱帶水果製成,無添加香精色素,新鮮風味完整呈現 2. 台灣水果世界聞名,品質甜度高、香氣濃厚,用荔枝、紅心芭樂、百香果、愛文芒果製作冰淇淋,風味截然不同,具獨特香氣,品嘗最熱帶的甜美風情! 1. Taiwanese ice cream made of tropical fruits, without adding flavors and pigments, the fresh flavor is fully presented 2. Taiwan’s fruits are world-renowned for their high-quality sweetness and strong aroma. Ice cream is made with lychee, red guava, passion fruit, and Aiwen mango. The flavor is completely different and has a unique aroma. Taste the sweetest tropical flavor! #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts #icecream Sourcing more Taiwan ...


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Know more: http://shinmax.en.taiwantrade.com Shinmax Technology Ltd., is a leading Polyimide (PI) Film manufacturer and Distributor in Taiwan. Our technology team has more than 18 years of experience in developing and producing the innovative polyimide films. With the excellent technology & production ability, not only do we meet all the demands inquired by our customers, but we also help our customers to enhance their product characteristics and performance. We exploit market demands in Electronic & Electrical industry, Aerosapce field, Medical field, Automotive sectors, Chemical industry, Sem...

LONG IN TECH CO., LTD. - Digital surveillance

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More info: http://longintech.en.taiwantrade.com Founded in 2003, Long In Tech Co., Ltd is devoted to research and development, designing and manufacturing of mobile digital surveillance systems. LITCO has been acting as pioneer and leader in the same industries for years. The first mini driving recorder for private car was made by LITCO in Taiwan. With the backup of the most experienced sales team and strong R&D team, we dominate much of the market in high technology digital surveillance. We customized many DVR system products for foreign countries, such as UK police body-worn-video, JAPAN p...


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More info:https://www.medicon.tw/?locale=en ISO22716 Made In Taiwan OEM / ODM support factory. Our main technology is nano biocellulose crystalline.We are a medical group company which can support professional skin knowledge by dermatologists.Our features (1)Aseptic production (2)International Barcode Management (3)Co-develop new products with customers Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com

Dong An Bio Tech Co , Ltd - 3D Conditioning Color

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Visit us:https://moon17.en.taiwantrade.com/ Established in 2005 via several OTC companies such as Best Giving Company, Chiao Fu Enterprise Co., ltd., The Sun Hot Spring& Resort, Roundtop Machinery Industry Inc., under the professional R&D team with high quality manufacturing, we have successfully developed our brand “ Moon 17” of a series of hair beauty and skin care products. Our products are all made in Taiwan thorough several marketing channels such as TV, pharmacy stores, chain franchises, department stores, and so on shopping websites. Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.c...


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Buy Now:https://artist-cosmetic.en.taiwantrade.com/online-shop Know more: https://artist-cosmetic.en.taiwantrade.com Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com Basic Information Company Name: ARTIST COSMETIC CO., LTD. Business Type: Exporter, Manufacturer, OEM Year Established: 1966 Capital: New Taiwan Dollar 1,000,001 - 5,000,000 Brand: Artist cosmetic co., ltd Main Product: HAIR COLOR, HAIR STRAIGHTENING CREAM, HAIR TREATMENT, HAIR SHAMPOO, Main Export Market: China,Philippines,Russian Federation,Sri Lanka,Taiwan,Thailand,Viet Nam, Products

美國商機日為業者搭建媒合平台 台美商機上看4.16億美元

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由經濟部國際貿易局主辦、外貿協會(TAITRA)執行的「美國商機日」於104年8月5日盛大登場。這項活動已連續4年辦理,推動臺美雙邊經貿關係,協助業者爭取訂單及掌握TPP市場。 今年共邀請大型買主15家來臺採購,9家賣主來臺拓銷,並於會中安排5家美商12場次的視訊會議,總計超過250場次一對一洽談會,商機約達4.16億美元。 經濟部投資業務處同時於美國商機日辦理「投資商機說明會」,與美國在台協會及美國各州駐華辦事處協會攜手,藉著邀請州政府官員代表訪臺,推廣雙方優質產品。 今年有美國10州15家的大型買主來台,其中營業額10億美元以上大型買主包括Stanley Black & Decker(射出成型機/工具機)、Deckers Brands(運動用防水鞋材)、AP Emission Technology(汽車零組件)、Academy Sports & Outdoors(棒球/軟球)、Bebe(毛衣/功能性運動服)等。 今年1至6月我對美國雙邊貿易額達299億美元,對美出口較去年同期成長2.31%,佔台灣整體出口比重12.1%,雙邊貿易關係緊密。