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More info: https://winlongglobal.en.taiwantrade.com/ WIN LONG Global Co., Ltd. has more than 30 years' export experience in the field of VARIOUS PRODUCTS, ex. Building, Hardware, Pipe, Pneumatic, Garden, Safety, Drain Cleaning Tools, Strapping Machines & Bicycle Parts ...etc., we would suggest you sending us the products photos, order quantity and specifications in details by return mail. We can search for the suitable goods to you what you really need. We far realized that offering competitive price and shorter lead time is a way to create our value, challenge ourselves to be a one-stop-shop supplier. Our c...
More info: https://winlongglobal.en.taiwantrade.com/ WIN LONG Global Co., Ltd. has more than 30 years' export experience in the field of VARIOUS PRODUCTS, ex. Building, Hardware, Pipe, Pneumatic, Garden, Safety, Drain Cleaning Tools, Strapping Machines & Bicycle Parts ...etc., we would suggest you sending us the products photos, order quantity and specifications in details by return mail. We can search for the suitable goods to you what you really need. We far realized that offering competitive price and shorter lead time is a way to create our value, challenge ourselves to be a one-stop-shop supplier. Our c...
Y.T. Patented UFO MILL is a new revolutionary coupling for solid carbide end milling applications. This indexable carbide head in taper polygon design combines a high accuracy in runout and length repeatability with maximum stability. This intelligent interface has no risk in breakage. When machining in difficult materials or in high feed milling application, the cutting depth (Ap) is always small, hence a small carbide can already fit your needs. UFO MILL provides an efficient and economical solution, which you only need simply change this little carbide head. Contact us: Erica@cut-tools.com.tw Sourcing mor...
Visit us: http://www.manortools.com.tw/ Email: magnum77@manortools.com.tw MANOR was founded in 1990, specialize in manufacturing Cutting Tools: Bolt Cutter, Cable & Wire Cutter, PVC & Hose Cutter, Multi Function Cutter , etc. And have a good reputation in the hand-tools industry. Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com
Visits: https://www.gison.com.tw GISON Machinery Co., Ltd. has more than 46 years of manufacturing Air Tools / Pneumatic Tools experience and GISON has achieved ISO-9001 quality system certification over 20 years. GISON is a professional manufacturer of Air Tools / Pneumatic Tools. All our Air Tools are made in TAIWAN. Contact us: gison@seed.net.tw Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com