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想請網紅沒預算? 台灣經貿網幫你打造最潮虛擬主播影片《台灣經貿網數位貿易生態圈-Avartar 篇》

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在人手一機的時代,吸引眼球👀的網紅經濟也迅速成長。 根據Influencer Marketing Hub調查全球2000家企業,有高達90%的B2B/B2C企業相信網紅是有效的行銷方式,也同時帶動虛擬Youtuber,VTuber市場的巨大商機!! 你想請網紅幫你行銷🎬卻擔心預算❓ 想做產品影片卻沒有人才❓ 不用擔心,台灣經貿網與最新科技公司合作為你打造最潮虛擬主播影片 運用最新AI科技,以「企業專屬Avartar 產品解說影音生成DIY」讓你影音行銷好EZ❗❗ 台灣經貿網提供完整數位貿易生態圈,從金物流到數位行銷一應俱全,並提供專屬優惠與支援,助你開拓與行銷雙乘加倍,眾多服務等你來申請! 台灣經貿網 與您一起迎接數位貿易時代 \ 限時 / 促銷方案👉 https://ttpromote.taiwantrade.com/ ► 立即來電免費專線諮詢 📞 0800-506-066 ► 訂閱台灣經貿網頻道 https://bit.ly/3Dqleyj #Taiwantrade #最潮虛擬主播 #AI影片 #數位行銷 #台灣經貿網 📌中文網站:https://info.taiwantrade.com/ 📌英文主網: https://www.taiwantrade.com/ #Taiwantr...

想做影片好煩惱?! 台灣經貿網讓你影音行銷好EZ 《台灣經貿網數位貿易生態圈-AI影片篇》

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「影音內容」在數位行銷領域愈來愈重要, 且72% 的人更傾向透過影音去認識一項新商品或服務! 您想做影片🎬卻擔心預算❓ 公司沒有相關人才❓ 自已拍卻效果不好❓ 不用擔心,台灣經貿網與最新科技公司合作,運用最新AI科技幫你快速完成影片,讓你影音行銷好EZ❗❗ 台灣經貿網提供完整數位貿易生態圈,從金物流到數位行銷一應俱全,並提供專屬優惠與支援,助你開拓與行銷雙乘加倍,眾多服務等你來申請! 台灣經貿網 與您一起迎接數位貿易時代 \ 限時 / 年終促銷方案👉 https://ttpromote2021.taiwantrade.com/ ► 立即來電免費專線📞 0800-506-066 ► 訂閱台灣經貿網頻道 https://bit.ly/3Dqleyj #Taiwantrade #AI影片 #數位行銷 #台灣經貿網 📌中文網站:https://info.taiwantrade.com/ 📌英文主網: https://www.taiwantrade.com/

CHAIN ENTERPRISES CO., LTD. - Professional Automotive Tools

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Know more: https://chain-auto-tools.en.taiwantrade.com/ CHAIN is a leading B2B automotive repair tools supplier and export company in Asia. We specialize in automotive tools, such as OEM and customized auto tools and supply customers in the automotive after-market industry. Founded in 1973 in Taichung, from the beginning, CHAIN has dedicated itself to quality services matched with competitive pricing. Today, that winning combination is coupled with unparalleled experience in product/manufacturer sourcing, custom product development, research and development, an extensive tool catalog, and spotting potential p...

VERTEX: Quality Fitness & Sporting goods Manufacturer

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Visit us : http://www.ren-e.com.tw REN-E SPORT GOODS CO., LTD. since 1984 is the leading manufacture and exporter of sports balls and fitness equipment in Taiwan. We’re experienced in offering OEM/ODM service for world’s famous brands. We have the capability to offer one-stop service, from customized production design, production to shipping, with the best quality by our own professional factories in Taiwan. We sincerely invite you to visit our website to get further details and contact online now! More info: https://renenet.en.taiwantrade.com/ Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com

E-NETWAY LTD. (YourPure modular DIY cartridge filter)

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E-NETWAY : http://www.e-netway.com/ Email: info@e-netway.com Do you believe that one filter can solve all drinking problems? City and rural area, buildings and detached houses water quality conditions are different in different regions, If possible, there should be customized options, using the filter that is most suitable for the home. Just like computer can be DIY, the water purifier should also use the same concept to define its own filter specifications, and combine the most suitable filter module to get the most effective and reliable water purification effect. Some areas are soft water, but some areas are hard water. S...

Manufacturing Indonesia 2019 Highlights | Taiwan Smart Machinery

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Manufacturing Indonesia 2019 Highlights | Taiwan Smart Machinery To know more about #Taiwan Smart Machinery ►Official website│https://twmt.taiwantrade.com/ ►Facebook│https://www.facebook.com/twmachinetools/ ►YouTube│https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY3eybWI_CAh679PejE1pug ►Twitter│https://twitter.com/TWMachineTools

Sang Mao Enterprise Co. Ltd. (Overload/Overheat Protection and Control Components)

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Know more: https://sangmao.en.taiwantrade.com/ Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com Established in 1984, Sang Mao Enterprise Co. Ltd is an ISO 9001:2015 certified manufacturer of safety protection devices for electrical and electronic circuitry. We offer a wide range of thermal Circuit Breakers, Thermostats, and Motor Protection products that answer OVERLOAD, OVERHEAT, SURGE, and GROUND FAULT problems. Our products comply with UL, CSA, VDE, TUV, 3C safety regulations. We also offer OEM, ODM support. Sang Mao is constantly supplying to esteemed global companies, such as ASAHI...

TA光點計畫2.0台中登場 搶攻美日市場數位新商機

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科技進步推動數位貿易成長,近來已成為全球趨勢及經濟成長動能。貿協攜手亞馬遜全球開店(Amazon Global Selling)、臺中市政府經濟發展局及臺灣手工具工業同業公會,於3/28日首次在台中辦理「TA光點計畫2.0-跨境電商新契機研討會」,協助業者上架亞馬遜,開拓數位時代新商機,現場吸引160家臺中業者到場交流。 貿協數位商務處處長李惠玲表示,「數位貿易」雲端、行動化不再只是趨勢,更是中小企業提升效率追求成長及永續經營的重要挑戰,經濟部國際貿易局為輔導臺灣中小企業走向國際開發數位商機,委託貿協持續優化臺灣最大的B2B電子商務平臺「台灣經貿網」服務。貿協與亞馬遜全球開店於2018年正式簽署合作備忘錄以來,雙方團隊合作無間,協助更多中小企業找到數位利基模式為目標。「台灣經貿網」今年初導入中英文客服機器人提供即時整合的服務也聽取廠商需求,包括利用AI大數據分析潛力市場及產品iTrade模組,請多加利用。今年已規劃與Google、FB合作全方位培養臺灣中小企業數位行銷專業人才,共同迎接數位外銷浪潮。 臺中以傳統機械製造業起步,機械加工業發達,讓臺灣成為手工具及自行車王國。現今國際局勢變幻莫測,加上數位經...