Know more: Shang Chuen Weighting Machine Co., Ltd. was established in 1983, its business was majored in selling electronic scales in the early history of foundation. In 1985, the company started to develop and manufacture its own scales because of the remarkable sales volume. In 1994, the company became a contract supplier to the Shimadzu Corp. of Japan, resulted in influential benefit on improving manufacturing techniques. We are now one of the leading manufacturers, with factory located in Taiwan and Dong Gung, China, specializing in high standard electronic sca...
Visit us: Contact us by MD2 is Androvideo’s latest generation smart camera with integrated video analytics and event management. It builds on #Qualcomm’s premium AIoT SoC with 10 times more computing power than the last generation SoC along with industry-leading #SONYStarvis sensor to guarantee the required analytics performance in the distance and with low light. MD2 features multiple optimized AI models of #FaceRecognition, #PoseEstimation, #HumanDetection, #AgeandGender classification to meet the requirements of different applic...
由中華民國對外貿易發展協會及台灣區電機電子工業同業公會(電電公會)共同主辦的「2017年台北國際電子產業科技展」(簡稱電子展或TAITRONICS),於10月11日至14日在台北南港展覽館1館展出。今年邁入第43屆,超過400家廠商使用超過800個攤位,為協助買主有效搜尋潛力合作廠商與產品,外貿協會也將在電子展期間辦理一對一採購洽談會,媒合採購需求。 除了重量級臺灣廠商,還有來自印度、日本、韓國、香港及中國的廠商,14家國內外新創企業也將參展並注入創新能量。電子展不僅整合完整電子產業鏈,更成為打造多元垂直整合應用的最佳平台。
主題:Cloud Security Best Practice 講者:Laura Huang / Senior Director of Solution Architecture, APAC, Trend Micro The event is implemented by Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) 本活動由中華民國對外貿易發展協會 (外貿協會,TAITRA) 舉辦。
主題:Finally, Centralized Cloud Security for Corporate Desktops 講者:Marc Hamilton / VP, Solutions Architecture and Engineering, NVIDIA The event is implemented by Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) 本活動由中華民國對外貿易發展協會 (外貿協會,TAITRA) 舉辦。
主題:Mobile Security in the Age of the Cloud 講者:Lars Droste / Director, Mobile Solutions, APJ, SAP The event is implemented by Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) 本活動由中華民國對外貿易發展協會 (外貿協會,TAITRA) 舉辦。
主題:Things Gone Wild - IoT Security and What it means to You 講者:Diana Kelley / Executive Security Advisor, IBM Security The event is implemented by Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) 本活動由中華民國對外貿易發展協會 (外貿協會,TAITRA) 舉辦。
主題:Data Center & Cloud Security: Built-in, verifiable, visible security for Enterprise and CSPs 講者:Ravi Varanasi / GM, Cloud Security Group, Intel The event is implemented by Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) 本活動由中華民國對外貿易發展協會 (外貿協會,TAITRA) 舉辦。