5 筆資料


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Know more: https://prodigital.en.taiwantrade.com/ Since 2005 Prodigital Technology Corp. being active in 40 different countries, works with electrical consultants,electricians,builder,building engineers,developer,architects,designers,international distributors and wholesalers. We're a manufacturer and also offer made to measure LED Lighting services. We supply lighting solutions to the interior, architecture and landscape sectors – from bars, nightclubs, restaurants, street furniture, window displays, garages, warehouses, warehouse docks, freight yards, house interior, building façades, billboard, wall washin...

LONG RANGE ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. - Sound Absorptive Perforated Gypsum Ceilings & Walls

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More info: https://longrange.en.taiwantrade.com/ Starting from 1990, we are the only one supply the 0.5mm dia micro perforation aluminum ceiling tiles and others normal alum. tiles. For it excellent performance of neat look and sound absorption function, this item achieves splendid reputation and applies in airport, Taipei Main Station and hospitals, etc. We have long experience manufacturing ceiling grid (Tbar) systems since 1998 including the normal Tbar and seismic solution Tbar and aesthetic grids for offices, schools, airports and hospitals etc. for resident and commercial appliance. We also have engaged in m...

Perseidas Co. - Low vibration and noise reduction exercise mat

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Know more: http://perseidas.taiwantrade.com.tw Low vibration and noise reduction exercise mat for weightlifting Perseidas has been in business since 1963. This family owned and operated business, based in Kaohsiung , Taiwan . As a profession in making rubber products and exercise equipments , We excel in product dependability, with no compromise in material or product integrity. Our integrity and efficiencies are evident in each of the industries we serve , Whether our customers need a special item or standard product, we're committed to offering the best products for any application. Perseidas began the bu...

R&D Quality Metal Building Supply (Stainless / Aluminum Tile Trims)

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Know more: https://rdinternational.en.taiwantrade.com Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com About R&D R&D International specializes in the design and manufacture of quality metal building materials. Currently our product lines are aluminum and stainless-steel tile trim, aluminum and stainless-steel door sill, aluminum non-slip stair nosing trim, aluminum baseboard, aluminum drip edge and so on. Our products are available in various shapes, sizes and colors. High quality, affordable price, easy installation, and significant effect are the characteristics of our products and are recognized by...

建立快樂的老人健康社會 - 老人照護輔具產業專題

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根據聯合國於2013年6月公布,全球總人口為72億,老年人口為8.4億;預估到2050年全球老年人口將占總人口數20.8%,平均每五人當中就有一位老人。在高齡化的社會結構中,老人醫療照護是每個地方、每個國家都即將面對的重要議題。台灣廠商於10多年前即洞燭先機,全力投入老人醫療照護市場。 老人照護輔具基本上可歸納出五種:行動輔具、移位輔具、減壓輔具、浴廁輔具、以及安全照護輔具,透過輔具不僅能給予行動不便者更方便的生活,更能減輕照護者的負擔。 老人照護將是未來的醫療經濟主流,台灣廠商成功開拓國外市場,並累積與其他廠商合作經驗,必能帶動國內醫療照護環境,建立快樂、尊嚴及智慧的老人健康社會。 本影片由外貿協會(TAITRA)台灣經貿網製作,感謝業界人士協助採訪。