More info: WIN LONG Global Co., Ltd. has more than 30 years' export experience in the field of VARIOUS PRODUCTS, ex. Building, Hardware, Pipe, Pneumatic, Garden, Safety, Drain Cleaning Tools, Strapping Machines & Bicycle Parts ...etc., we would suggest you sending us the products photos, order quantity and specifications in details by return mail. We can search for the suitable goods to you what you really need. We far realized that offering competitive price and shorter lead time is a way to create our value, challenge ourselves to be a one-stop-shop supplier. Our c...
More info: WIN LONG Global Co., Ltd. has more than 30 years' export experience in the field of VARIOUS PRODUCTS, ex. Building, Hardware, Pipe, Pneumatic, Garden, Safety, Drain Cleaning Tools, Strapping Machines & Bicycle Parts ...etc., we would suggest you sending us the products photos, order quantity and specifications in details by return mail. We can search for the suitable goods to you what you really need. We far realized that offering competitive price and shorter lead time is a way to create our value, challenge ourselves to be a one-stop-shop supplier. Our c...
由中華民國對外貿易發展協會及台灣區電機電子工業同業公會(電電公會)共同主辦的「2017年台北國際電子產業科技展」(簡稱電子展或TAITRONICS),於10月11日至14日在台北南港展覽館1館展出。今年邁入第43屆,超過400家廠商使用超過800個攤位,為協助買主有效搜尋潛力合作廠商與產品,外貿協會也將在電子展期間辦理一對一採購洽談會,媒合採購需求。 除了重量級臺灣廠商,還有來自印度、日本、韓國、香港及中國的廠商,14家國內外新創企業也將參展並注入創新能量。電子展不僅整合完整電子產業鏈,更成為打造多元垂直整合應用的最佳平台。
The "2014 Taipei International Computer Show” (COMPUTEX Taipei) is an annual big event in the global ICT industry. Launched with great fanfare in June, the show attracted a total of 1,710 exhibitors in 5,069 booths. Mediatek, the world's 2nd largest mobile phone chip maker and 4th largest ICT design house, took part in the show for the first time this year. More than 38,000 international buyers from around the world were attracted to the show. The five main themes this year were "Wearable Technology", "Mobile Computing", "Cloud Technology and Services", as well as the all-new "Touch Applications & Display Products ...