由中華民國對外貿易發展協會(TAITRA)主辦的「台北國際汽車零配件展」、「台北國際車用電子展」與「台灣國際機車產業展」及經濟部國際貿易局主辦的「台灣國際電動車展」等4展,將於4月6日至9日南港展覽館及世貿一館同期展出,今(29)日舉辦展前記者會,搶先曝光創新產品獎(Innovation Awards)得獎作品。
由經濟部國際貿易局主辦、外貿協會(TAITRA)執行的「2013年非洲商機日」今(30)日盛大登場,該商機日共分2天,市場採購洽談會吸引非洲9國共25家非洲買主來台尋寶,與國內163家廠商進行259場貿易洽談,促成台灣業者潛在商機6,250萬美元(約新台幣18.5億元)。 非洲市場不僅是全球鎂光燈焦點,也躍升為我國出口引擎。今年1至8月,我國對非洲出口金額達23億713萬美元,較去年同期成長11.5%。其中埃及為我國今年重點拓銷市場,累計同期成長率達36.1%,是所有重點及新興市場中最具動能的地區。「非洲商機日」已成為國內廠商拓銷非洲的年度盛事,也是台、非之間重要的貿易平台。
The annual photovoltaic exhibition, PV Taiwan -Taiwan International Photovoltaic Forum, will be held from October 5th to 7th. This is the first time that PV cells, modules and systems are arranged together as a separate pavilion, PV Cells / Modules / Systems Pavilion. This arrangement provides convenience for domestic or overseas visitors' centralized procurement. In addition, five theme pavilions are held (DSSC Pavilion, HCPV Pavilion, Application Products Area, PV Cells / Modules / Systems Pavilion, and Academic Poster Section), which display a shift from the new solar power technology to its daily application, and pres...
Chi Mei Corporation was established in 1953. It is one of the first plastic processing plants in Taiwan and well-known for beautiful and durable plastic wares and toys. In 1959, Wen Lung Hsu established Chi Mei Corporation which was the first acrylic sheet manufacturer in Taiwan. Within ten years, it became one of the top acrylic sheet suppliers in the world. Besides boosting production capacities, Chi Mei will also invest in research and development in order to enhance the added values of products in the future. It will also stress the importance of operational strategies, "cater for customers' needs and be market-oriented."...
The 2011 " TAITRONICS " will be held at the Nangang Exhibition Hall from October 10 ~ 13 along with "Broadband Taiwan". Around 1,000 local and overseas vendors and their new products will be showcased in one place. Key products from up, mid- and down-stream vendors will also be brought together to create a very competitive purchasing platform for Taiwan. Another highlight of this year's exhibition is the instruments and gauges essential to the electronics manufacturing industry. Vendors have now all set their sights on the green market to offer testing solutions for solar power, LEDs and electric vehicles. The l...
With Interbrand, the renowned global branding consultancy as the key judge of the panel, winners of the 20 Leading Taiwan Global Brands 2010 were revealed. Depo Auto Parts Industrial Co., Ltd. is one of the stars in this tale of success. Situated in the quiet and peaceful neighborhood of Tianbien in Lugang (lit. Deer Port), Depo started out from domestic distribution, and gradually expanded its business to exportation to Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Central and South America and eventually established its presence in Europe and North America. Today, the ratio of overseas distribution for Depo's auto lamp pro...
2010年新興市場採購伙伴大會3月31日於台北世貿一館盛大展開,繼去年全球採購夥伴大會締造亮眼成績,主辦單位外貿協會今年更積極開拓新興市場商機,邀請全球43國450家買主來台採購,要讓台灣的優質產品切入新興市場需求,開拓經貿新藍海。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
To help businesses develop overseas markets, TAITRA established the Market Development Department. Apart from raising the profile of Taiwanese industries through taking part in trade shows, TAITRA also hosts large-scale overseas exhibitions, industry trade delegations, sales cadre training, overseas market seminars and purchasing talks as part of a total approach to help businesses develop overseas markets. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網