4 筆資料

Rich Waves Limited.- focuses on air treatment technology

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More info:https://taiyi.en.taiwantrade.com/ The main core members of UNG have been engaged in R&D and production management in the field of humidity control technology for more than ten years. They have strong active and passive humidity control related technical capabilities. The company is committed to becoming the world's leading environmental protection and energy saving dehumidification runner and application technology solutions and high Provider of efficient VOCs and other harmful gases and water vapor adsorption materials. For more information, please contact us : https://taiyi.en.taiwantrade.com/co...


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Know more:https://www.taiwantrade.com/company/saint-king-enterprise-co-ltd-18780.html More Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com/ Business Type: Exporter, Importer, Manufacturer, Service Company, Wholesaler Products: Bicycle parts, auto parts, hardware

3D Printing • Your Imagination Unchained - Mastech Machine Co., Ltd.

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Mastech Machine Co., Ltd., is a Taiwanese manufacturer whose R&D team combined creativity, entertainment and technology to develop desktop 3D printers. The printer body is constructed from alloy steel with aluminum alloy flashing. The two-tone design transforms the 3D printer into a stylish part of the home décor. Mastech specializes in the sale of 3D printers, filament and related products. The filament is now MIT as well as SGS certified as toxin-free. Tutorial, printer warranty, parts replacement and repair, and 3D file download services are available. Printer designs can also be customized to user require...


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達億機械為台灣自製的生產商,研發團隊在結合創意、娛樂及科技之下發展出桌上型3D列印機,機身採用合金鋼為主結構,加上鋁合金外觀強化本體,使用雙配色的設計增添時尚感,讓3D列印機也能成為家庭裝飾的一部分。達億科技主要銷售3D列印機、線材及相關產品,目前線材也是採用MIT,並有SGS認證,無毒害保證。並提供使用教學、機台保固、零件更換維修、圖檔下載,也可依照使用者的需求做客製化的機台設計。 本影片由外貿協會(TAITRA)台灣經貿網製作,感謝達億機械接受採訪。