30 筆資料


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Visit us:https://www.kingssel.com/en Featuring the latest in 3D printing technology, Kingssell includes a robust lineup of industrial-grade products empowering engineers towards the future. About US KINGTEC is a manufacturer of gear reducer, motor & 3D printing equipment. In 1963, KINGTEC started business with gear machining. As industry development, KINGTEC developed new product " Gear Reducer" in order to increase market competition. Recently, due to numerous technology comes out, industries need new equipment & technology to increase competition. Therefore, KINGTEC introduce new product - "3D p...

Dong An Bio Tech Co , Ltd - 3D Conditioning Color

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Visit us:https://moon17.en.taiwantrade.com/ Established in 2005 via several OTC companies such as Best Giving Company, Chiao Fu Enterprise Co., ltd., The Sun Hot Spring& Resort, Roundtop Machinery Industry Inc., under the professional R&D team with high quality manufacturing, we have successfully developed our brand “ Moon 17” of a series of hair beauty and skin care products. Our products are all made in Taiwan thorough several marketing channels such as TV, pharmacy stores, chain franchises, department stores, and so on shopping websites. Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.c...

工業主題虛擬展覽館上線 28家廠商騰雲展出

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接續「織襪眼鏡時尚虛擬展館」,貿協推出「工業主題虛擬展覽館」於線上展出原訂擬於漢諾威工業展及泰國國際工業展中展出之28家、36件台灣優良工業產品。受疫情衝擊,今(2020)年泰國國際工業展已宣布延期至9月,而全球最大的漢諾威工業展則迎來73年來的首次停辦,面對這樣的劇變,貿協積極應對,推出包含機械、工業電腦和金屬零件等產品的工業主題虛擬展館,讓國際買主即便無法出國,在家也能獲得逛展的體驗。 貿協今(21)日舉辦工業虛擬館上線記者會,貿協秘書長葉明水表示,工業主題虛擬館應用web VR技術,建置3D虛擬展館,未來展覽也是O2O的趨勢,Online to offline,身在展出國的買主可以親自到現場,無法到現場的買主也可以透過線上展覽參與展覽的盛會。線上虛擬館其優勢為可協助臺灣廠商在疫情期間開發新買主,未來貿協也將持續更新展館內容,並搭配Martech加強後續宣傳,促成最終目的協助我商獲得商機、做成生意。 而為協助臺灣外銷廠商對抗疫情,貿協自4月份起推出強化數位貿易及電子商務措施,現已有13大振興方案上架台灣經貿網平台。上週最新上架的方案為運用亞洲網紅口碑行銷服務,為廠商品牌傳遞特性與價值。而截至今日為...

TAITRONICS 2017 to invigorate AIoT and smart tech sectors

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由中華民國對外貿易發展協會及台灣區電機電子工業同業公會(電電公會)共同主辦的「2017年台北國際電子產業科技展」(簡稱電子展或TAITRONICS),於10月11日至14日在台北南港展覽館1館展出。今年邁入第43屆,超過400家廠商使用超過800個攤位,為協助買主有效搜尋潛力合作廠商與產品,外貿協會也將在電子展期間辦理一對一採購洽談會,媒合採購需求。 除了重量級臺灣廠商,還有來自印度、日本、韓國、香港及中國的廠商,14家國內外新創企業也將參展並注入創新能量。電子展不僅整合完整電子產業鏈,更成為打造多元垂直整合應用的最佳平台。

臺灣印刷風采藝術館 2015天津台灣名品博覽會創佳績 活動現場花絮

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由外貿協會(TAITRA)執行的「2015天津台灣名品博覽會」7月5日已於天津梅江會展中心圓滿落幕,此次於展覽中特別規劃「臺灣印刷風采藝術館」主題形象館,推廣臺灣印刷產業優良的品質與技術。共有13家優秀的臺灣印刷業者與財團法人印刷工業技術研究中心共同展出,包含麥克優仕全方位設計、莫卡企業、順基國際、匯盈企業、東興紙品、程祺互動資訊、重餘國際行銷、四季織企業、震旦集團3D事業部、百佳文化、康誠實業、興台彩色印刷及力盛彩色印刷等優質業者,在現場展示臺灣印刷產業的產品與服務。 展期4天中,有不少的專業買主到館洽詢合作,如專注於製作彩卷刮刮卡、可剝卡及賓果卡並搭配雲端對號查核系統的「莫卡企業」,就有天津市當地大型印刷業者尋求技術轉移;「順基國際」展出的多款防水、耐玩且撕不破的環保印刷玩具,當地圖書代理商認為可推廣至當地教育機構,培養學童邏輯概念及啟發組織能力,下訂1萬份樣品;「震旦集團3D事業部」現場展示臺灣研發製造的3D印表機,吸引為數不少的新創業者及微型工作室洽詢;「興台彩色印刷」展出的高仿真複製畫則受到中國大陸百年書局計劃引進代理。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網

工研院南分院積層製造與雷射運用中心洪基彬主任 談金屬3D列印

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3D列印材料由早期塑膠原型打樣,發展至近年的金屬、陶瓷與PLA環保玉米材料等,並朝向直接功能性產品製造目標發展。工研院南分院在雷射技術領域建置了全台灣最完整、最優質的雷射實驗室。台灣經貿網特別邀請工研院南分院積層製造與雷射運用中心洪基彬主任,與我們分享工研院在金屬3D列印、雷射光谷計劃的研究發展與運用。 本影片由外貿協會(TAITRA)台灣經貿網製作,感謝洪基彬主任接受採訪。

The Third Industrial Revolution - 3D Printing

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Why is 3D printing technology being touted as the herald of the third industrial revolution, and is so important? How will it change the face of global economic development? Taiwan Trade will now introduce you to 3D printing from an industry, academia and research perspective, as well as how Taiwan can seize the initiative in the global market. This video is made by Taiwantrade, organized by the Bureau of Foreign Trade under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and implemented by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA).

3D Printing • Your Imagination Unchained - Mastech Machine Co., Ltd.

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Mastech Machine Co., Ltd., is a Taiwanese manufacturer whose R&D team combined creativity, entertainment and technology to develop desktop 3D printers. The printer body is constructed from alloy steel with aluminum alloy flashing. The two-tone design transforms the 3D printer into a stylish part of the home décor. Mastech specializes in the sale of 3D printers, filament and related products. The filament is now MIT as well as SGS certified as toxin-free. Tutorial, printer warranty, parts replacement and repair, and 3D file download services are available. Printer designs can also be customized to user require...