訊息類型: 尋找銷售合作夥伴
標題: Adapter Sleeve, Lock Nut, Lock Washer
內文: 承岱於1973年成立,擁有幾十年的經驗,專業製造國際規格的軸承套筒、油溝軸承套筒、退卸套筒、油溝退卸套筒、油溝退卸套筒、軸承華司、軸承螺帽 、定位片等產品。 具有ISO 9001, 14001, 45001國際認證;自有品牌「H.I.」享譽國際。除國際標準規格外,亦可接受OEM、ODM設計製作。 樣式、規格齊全,品質可靠、庫存充裕、交貨迅速、價錢公道,產品遍佈國內外,熱銷全世界! Cheng Dai is a leading manufacturer of bearing adapter sleeves in Taiwan with 50-year experiences, and our products are sold in overseas market and in domestic market with competitive prices, and we are the only manufacturer in Taiwan who sell to Japan adapter-sleeve market. Our main products are: - Adapter Sleeves (H, HS, HA, HE, SNP & SNW Series), - Hydraulic Adapter Sleeves (HOH Series), - Withdrawal Sleeves (AH, AHX & ASK Series), - Hydraulic Withdrawal Sleeves (AOH Series), - Lock Nuts (KM, HN, HNL, N , AN & ANL Series), - Lock Washers (AW, MB, AWL & W Series), - Lock Plates (AL, ALL & P Series), - Self Lock Nuts (GUK Series)
產業別: 機械零件
刊登日期: 2024/02/20
公司名稱: 承岱有限公司
公司網站: http://www.chengdai.com.tw
聯絡人姓名: 陳慈慧
電子郵件: sales-executive@chengdai.com.tw