Pharmaceutical and health products

  • 買主: 

    United Kingdom M商

  • 採購品項: 


  • 商機關鍵字: 

    medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Oncology products, COVID-19 medications, vaccines, Antibacterial medications, Antiviral medications, Orphan drugs, NCD drugs, gene therapy

  • 預計採購數量: 

    50 箱

  • 報名截止日期: 


  • 採購內容: 

    Currently, our company are interested to purchase a wide range of pharmaceutical products: Oncology products, COVID-19 medications (treatments & vaccines), Antiviral/Antibacterial medications, Orphan drugs, NCD drugs, vaccine products, gene therapy products such as DMD and LGMD gene therapy, etc.

  • 注意事項:
    1. 本則訊息為買主向台灣經貿網提出「供應商推薦服務」之採購需求
    2. 基於個人資料保護,買主聯絡方式將不公開或主動提供
    3. 俟審核通過報名資料將推薦予買主,惟此不表示能取得買主資料,需由買主自行與您連絡。
    4. 買主本次採購需求與資料未經徵信,請依正常貿易程序自行徵信與締約。
